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how NOT to cross a road - Darwin awards

Published on 18 Nov 2023 / In Entertainment

Tips: look both ways before crossing

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pathologicalimbicile 1 year ago  

Music: Tankard - from the album Zombie Attack

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

Feel sorry for the motorcyclists.

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I am glad that we got brainwashed with this as children.

Hector the Cat....

Hector the Cat - Road Safety TVC - https://www.mgtow.tv/v/PeZxfC

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That section of people crossing the freeway in the dark, wearing dark clothes... probably drunk....

This is why it is so important to wear LIGHT WHITE and REFLECTIVE clothes in the dark..

To always look before you do cross and also to have really good head lights....

I have almost hit a few people who have no brains and race across the street in the dark, wearing all black, at 11 pm at night, in a dark section of the road...

Fuck Them.

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I wonder if dark dressed ppl in the dark on the wrong side of the road dont have a license themselves

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@pathologicalimbicile: I don't think they think or have ever put themselves into the position of how visible they actually are, from the drivers perspective.

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@pathologicalimbicile: The test is pretty easy.... depending upon where you live, you want to hang some clothes across an abandonned / dead end / middle of the nowhere street / road or on a fence on the outer tight corner in a road..... in a dark or very poorly lit area, get a black shirt, a 50/50 dark gray / brown / shirt, a white cotton shirt and then a reflective jacket or it has reflective tape on it - space them about a meter or so apart, about standing height... and then turn your head lights on and just roll back and notice at what distance they become hard / difficult / impossible to see - and make a note on your odometer readings... and flick between high and low beam.... and just roll back until everything except the reflective tape shirt becomes invisible and take an odometer or GPS reading, and then start rolling forward and make a note of when the white, the dark coloured and the black shirts become visible... , and take notes - estimating is fine too - then there you go, work our your suburban speed, then your highway speed, work out your velocity in meters per second, and then add in the time taken to react and apply the brakes say 1/3 to 1/2 a second - and the rest is your stopping distance... AND essentially the person is the black is just asking to be run over... and if there are vehicles comeing the other way, you have the glare of their head lights.... and or if it's wet, rain soakes up the light from your car - making most things visible at only 1/3rd the distance at night........ Wearing dark and hard to see clothing, when walking along the side of the road or running across the road or riding a bicycle - is just high risk low IQ shit..... White bright clothing, reflective stripes, flashing lights, etc... They are a necessity.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: If anyone wonders if they are visible, the car driver says use a fucking reflect

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@pathologicalimbicile: Perform the test. Come to your own conclusions.

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I mean I don't celebrate people fucking up like this...

But you just have to be so fucking careful - especially around roads and vehicles...

There was some fucking idiot safety survey that said, "Getting hit by a car at 30 Kmh has a 10% chance of getting killed, but getting hit at 50 Kmh has a 90% chance of getting killed.

AND I am the only person I have ever met, who has crossed into the grassy area, up the middle of the Tullermarine Freeway in peak hour... across 4 or 5 lanes of traffic, and fully aware of people possibly not seeing me standing on the white line or changing lanes from behind a truck or being distracted and or drunk or not wearing their glasses etc., and just cleaning me up - full on at 100 Kmh....

I had dropped my wallet accidentally off the overpass... and HAD to retrieve it so I could get the few hundred K's home.... I made it there and back, and I did not enjoy one second of it.

It was like the game frogger, with cars passing behind me and in front of me, as I stood on the white lines, in a wide corner, waiting for small gaps in the traffic....

Fucking Jesus... NEVER doing that again.

Sort of like this in the right hand lanes...


But this was it before they figured out how to get more cars into and off the freeway, before the very end.... They had more green shit in the middle and big traffic islands full of grass and trees and all.....


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