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How P0rn Destroyed Gen-Z Forever

Published on 29 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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myopinion 2 days ago

:30 - Labeling it a " " dysfunction " ", is incorrect. (i.m.o.) ....... The acts of a relationship, would NATURALLY, get more RISKY, due to BOREDOM, & trying to "SPICE" things up. I'm thinking the HUB, is just a SUBSTITUTE, for real life. The SAME amount of s*xual tension, in both cases, IS still there. Ones, .... just getting there, ...... MAYBE .... faster. And, with 8 billion people, on the planet, & the worry of, how to feed, them all. I don't think, the current trend, ... of less couples, is a bad thing. PLUS, the studies show, WITH substitutes, the amount of s*xual, & v*olent crime, goes DOWN. And, with LESS people, there's ALSO, LESS wars, LESS deforesting, & LESS pollution. So, ... as long as, ..... the population DECREASE, ... is gradual, ......... we'll be ok. The fear mongering, ( about population ), SHOULDN'T begin, ( i.m.o. ) until we're around, a million left, on the earth. Thennnnnnn, we can say, ... ok, ...... maybe it's time, ..... we do things, ... the old fashioned way. ................................................ also, the gratitude, & respect levels, are lacking. .... So I say, ... bring on the future. : ) Men are problem solvers. .... https://miro.medium.com/v2/res....ize:fit:1024/1*NviIC

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Furioso 2 days ago

Porn is bad for men just like social medias and dating apps are bad for women ,feminism is the root of the problem ,the elites don't want us to reproduce and have families .They don't have this problem in Africa ,you want to know why ? It's because most black African people have an average IQ of 70-80 ,they are replacing us with them ,mostly in Europe .They accept shitty salaries and are easier to manipulate ,that's why we have a shit ton of black migrants constantly and we can see that they are all adult men .The more of these people we have in our countries ,the more our lives will be hard ,our elites can't lower our income so they make the cost of life expensive .The elites are trying to dehumanize us ,we don't have families anymore ,we don't have a clear country identity anymore ,we don't know what is a man or a woman anymore ... The real issue is far worse than the porn problem .

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sauger1001 2 days ago

Agreed. Porn is the "Simp-tom" of a greater, spiritual problem. We live on a "Prison Planet" (a Matrix?), led by the Adversary (for now). Only The Creator (not "Neo") can free us. In due time, much to the chagrin of the blue pilled, He will.

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