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Published on 15 Nov 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism

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Sir_666 4 years ago  

If anyone is interested in the history of " Planned Obsolescence " regarding how far back it started and how it began, then check out the below Video Documentary. (It has been circulating online for years ).

The Light Bulb Conspiracy [Extended Version] : - Video : 65 mins.

However, I will add that Planned Obsolescence has been ongoing and evolving for Decades, affecting most manufactured Products nowadays.

BTW, Planned Obsolescence can also cause a state of " Affluenza " that has also been steadily growing noticeably, particularly in All Westernized Societies. And likely has resulted in all sorts of " Addictions " and states of Depression, Chronic Boredom, Aggression, ....etc, that were nowhere as noticeable nor barely existed about 100 yrs. ago.

Nonetheless, you may want to also check out the below Video Documentary. (It has also been circulating online for years ).

Affluenza Documentary : - Video : 57 mins.

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Doggk 4 years ago

And worst of it, it's all about money.. They destroy this world just for money.. These native americans were right about the effects of money..

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Sogo 4 years ago

Hey, Fellow Hairless Monkeys!
Want nearly INFINITE resources?
Want to rehab our Planet and start an incredible career that will help save and evolve our SPECIES?
Stop looking DOWN and look UP!
The sad part is that the 1% that own US and the WORLD will NOT let us off of the Planetary PLANTATION to go get them.
They are starting the plan(demic) to have their, " Great (Population) Reset".
They are going to kill 99% of the Earth's Population and have ROBOTS mine the Solar System until they merge with MACHINES to become Silicone GODS then THEY get to go OFF WORLD. (Hint: They call it, "The Singularity". It's kinda like a, "Borg" Origin Story).
Too bad... I always wanted to be a Space Trucker making runs from the Moon to Marrs, and BEYOND,
or a Miner, standing on an asteroid overlooking Saturn with a laser cutter, listening to, "Benson Arizona" on my headphones...
Think of the VIEW!
Getting paid in MINERAL SHARES based on a percentage of the resources I brought back to Earth, , thus eliminating the need for fiat, debt-based MONEY and eliminating WANT, making EVERY Person on the Planet fabulously WEALTHY.
THEY will never allow that, because Those in Power know only ONE Rule,
"Maintain Power by EVERY means necessary..."
See y'all at the next DARK AGE! ENJOY!!! ;)

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Herecat 4 years ago

nah men, we need MORE smart tech to "save the world"

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UltraChad 4 years ago

Complete bulshit, this video don't have a clue what he is talking about, this is globohomo agenda and ambientalism with no purpose and actual science data behind.

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Doggk 4 years ago

Your comment is complete bullshit, you're the one who doesn't have a clue what you're talking about because you're to busy insulting what you don't understand.. You don't need science data to understand where our world is going with these stupid smartphones, use your eyes ! Why do people need 100 phones in a lifetime when 5 are more than enough !! + Why would you buy a new phone when the old one still works ??? Life was so much better in the past before these hellphones came.. The purpose of this video is to wake up people about the consequences of buying 100 phones in a lifetime, to realize what we are doing with our nature and people,.. And what kind of world we will leave behind for the future generations.. So this video has a purpose !

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UltraChad 4 years ago

@Doggk: there you go, you are telling me that the problem is not mining them, it is the consumist culture. Mining have little to no impact on the eco system, mineralized areas do not have dense fauna and flora, and in little time (2-5 months) these areas are already reflorested and back to what it once was with little effort.

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Doggk 4 years ago

@HigorRodrigues: Across the world, mining contributes to erosion, sinkholes, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, significant use of water resources, dammed rivers and ponded waters, wastewater disposal issues, acid mine drainage and contamination of soil, ground and surface water, all of which can lead to health issues for the locals living near of these places..

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UltraChad 4 years ago

@Doggk: wrong again, all these problems have government regulations to prevent that from hapening. just look for a mining site and it's areas, it's meaningless area affected and easyly replaced. loss of biodiversity it's a lie as I just mention about fauna and flora in mineralized areas.

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UltraChad 4 years ago

Also look for the tecnologies for cicling this watter on beneficiation plants

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Doggk 4 years ago

@HigorRodrigues: You're wrong and in denial ! Go look in Africa if governments care about regulations same thing for China or south america.. Loss of biodiverity is a truth and it's absolutely not easily replaced!

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UltraChad 4 years ago

@Doggk: dude, just show me some data, show me where mineralized areas have heavy fauna and flaura to be destroyed, most of these areas were not even able to keep cattle or to be used for agriculture because these areas are not able to grow nothing. You just quote wikipedia for me and want me to believe in what you say. I'm a mining owner myself and in there I have tons of trees and animals around, fishes, pakas, jaguars, monkeys etc. the mining areas are not the living spot for most animals, at best you destroy a termite mound. Compare that to roads, cities, cars industries and you will see how meaningless is the impact of mining. As I said before, the problem is with consumist culture, not mining at all.

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Doggk 4 years ago
Doggk 4 years ago

@HigorRodrigues: So you're a mining owner in south america... And you don't know the negative effects of mining.. Pff... It doesn't matter what I quoted.. There are more negative effects than postive effects and that's undeniable !! Just look by yourself and stop being in denial it's ridiculous !! Even a termite mound is part of biodiversity and has importance, to maintain a stability in some areas.. You get rid of some species and you'll never get them back.. Extinct forever... Then other species of animals or insects who feed themselves with these, won't find food.. I they can't adapt themselves to other areas, it's extinction for them !!! The simple process of minerals getting extracted produce toxic acids, when it rains.. they are going into the rivers.. And these rivers go to all the areas around... Causing extinction of certain species in these rivers, faunas.. The poluted waters not only affect animals and the fauna, but humans too who feed themselves with toxic fish or poluted waters ! After the extracted minerals are transformed in the final product used by the consumers and then thrown away what do you think it does in other places with complete different environements ? Most government regulations are violated in favor of MONEY ! I never said that it was worse or better than what cars, cities, industries.. It's part of the problem and that's undeniable !! You called it bullshit, called the people who pointed a undeniable truth, who defend nature or want to maintain a correct balance on earth HOMOS ??? And someone like you is supposed to know better while you clearly showed us your lack of knowledge about the subject !

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UltraChad 4 years ago

@Doggk: holy fuck, sounds like non sense commie dumbshit for me, you don't have a clue where to start. and without mining you don't have houses, cellphones, cars etc, how can this be more negative than positive ??? kkkkkkkkkkkkk

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Doggk 4 years ago

@HigorRodrigues: You sound like an irresponsible short minded lying dipshit with no morals... Did I say that we should totally stop mining ??? Nope.. You made that shit up ! Can't you understand the word "Balance".. I clearly stated that we have to maintain a correct BALANCE on earth.. The problem here is that it's unbalanced in favor of the exploitation of natural resources instead of preserving nature ! And this is what will cause irreversible problems on earth..

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Sogo 4 years ago

YUP! Just look at ALL that THRIVING fauna and flora there! Just wait till we go to war not for OIL... but for LITHIUM... ;)

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

Hay Doggk You find some cool vid's . A thumb up for this one Too !

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Doggk 4 years ago

Thanks bro !

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Yes planned obsolescence is a major thing that is killing Earth.

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