How the Department of Homeland Security Wasted $700,000 in Taxpayer Money on "Diverting Hate"
Published on 03 May 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Wait you watch anime? Didn't expect that. Makes sense though because it's made for men with a pair swinging between their legs instead of cucks.
So Ginmata is the show the Feds are after huh? I heard about that recently but had no idea which show it was. Haven't seen that one yet.
I just find it amusing how it seems anime is now made for Caucasian men as well as Asian men. Of course anime has just about everything from kid's shows to women's shows, but wholesome shows for female viewers. Not woke shows for female viewers. But the anime for us is just perfect. You have strong male characters and the best types of female characters. The submissive wholesome love interest who is worthy of marriage like Orihime. Or the sexy villainess who oozes confidence without being cringe feminist. Including backstory for villains so I can understand what their motives are. Not just plain old dumb orc bad guys who are bad because they are bad.
I'm watching Peter Grill right now but that's too much for you Cappy. It's just a fanservice ecchi with comedy and waifus.
For something more serious you might like Vinland Saga. Certainly the best Viking history show I've seen. Not much fantasy only a tiny bit with a Viking going Berserk mode after eating a Mario mushroom which apparently was a real thing they did to go crazy rage mode in battle immune to pain. The fly agaric mushroom I guess. But it made me think of Mario because he had a large red mushroom to power up. I actually learn interesting things from anime like this use of mushrooms from earlier times. Hence why it's the Mario mushroom. Real historical use. Japan is so clever like that.
I also liked how the main character is a DEX build with two blades making him a unique one among your typical Viking stereotype. I look like the guy, but different hair color. Funny how Japan makes a show for me regarding European history.