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How the Nephilim Returned AFTER The Flood

Published on 20 Nov 2024 / In Other

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

It's a combination, plus pyramids like the Great Pyramidsvof Giza are "underground" flood bunkers...

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KEEPER 3 months ago

there are already videos cropping up with these giants being seen, but idk, it still seems so far fetched, you know the internet when it comes to these things, they are serious but at the same time ppl fake this kind of stuff to get attention. i frequently watch paranormal videos because i watch them for sleep lol, anyway they often do videos on these things, or lately within the last year or so they have been talking about them, so i'm not sure if it's the real deal or not, but here is the thing in these videos, they aren't pointing to bones most of the time they see some giant thing walking on a nearby mountain and they try to pick it up on camera but camera's makes it hard to tell, another thing that is being reported more often than before is the whole UFO stuff, and even thought these channels are thought of as paranormal conspiracy theory stuff, it also makes you think maybe it might be the real deal. i'm still specticle of this stuff, because i for one have not witnessed anything paranormal in my life, but i am open to it if something ever presents itself to me, i would like to believe in aliens and UFO's and bigfoot and all that stuff, i have read the scriptures and the information that spoke of Canin and his story where he was essentially cursed by god to walk the earth until the end of time for killing his brother or father, i can't remember his story completely, it's been a while, anyway supposedly he's been alive ever since then, but for some reason he's just walking the earth, the scriptures don't really say what else he would be doing outside of walking the earth and that he was cursed with a mark, when i first read that passage i thought maybe it was skin color as a curse, the bible doesn't really tell you what that mark is.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

@KEEPER: One thing to consider when watching things are the internet is: "Is it posdible? Can the physics or biomechanism actually do or allow this thing?" There are instances where the Spirit can create something, but even then, the biomechanics are there. Plus, these days I also look to see if it was written (about) or carved onto something... Just saying.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

@KEEPER: So, yeah, I tjink Cain is dead: He died in the Flood if not begore it. His descendant TubiCain died on the Flood. As for UFOs, there are truths in it, there are government "experiments," and there are secret moon bases but amoungst them arevacsea of misinformation. There has been so

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

There has been some consistency involving kids being taking to secret moon bases used by an alien race to telepathically communicate having been reported as travelling in triangular crafts and such triangular shapes being ingrained on their lawn with isotopes found only in space.. so, there is that

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Dammit... again as forbthe giants, there was leaked memos confirming but also many newspaper articles and journals accountingnfinding giant humanoid bones and then the Smithsonian showing up destroying and "debunking" such claims. Curiously, the Bible Book of Revelations and maybe Daniel too I think mentioned that "like the days of Noah, giantsvwill rewalk the earth..." I for one believe Antarctica is the Vault where God Elohim locked up the Fallen angels who fathered giants strtching out the human ape pusses... and their pussies remember it. "Deeper, go deeper..." Every wimen seems to say this... at some point during sex. I think the DNA remembers and that the Angels gavevthese women "Astrology" as knowledge of The Gods to seduce them. Plus, I think the whores corrupted the "astrology" with feelings and shit to suit their emotional needs: I believe this is why nearly all whores quote astrology, their attempt to understsnd the world (without our masculine logic) and their inability to admit they were played...

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