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How Thetford Community are fighting back

Published on 12 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

This is interesating and shows pwople arer waking up, WELL MEN are abnout all this 15 min cities and 20 min restrictions on car use etc. Yjis is UK based but these guys have recieved replies from around the world., well worth a listen, because MEN are leading the battle against our lost FREEDOM's so some Brain work is being used.

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God willing this stops evil dead in its tracks and others then Copy and utilize it to their fullest extent as the people have the power not them whom are our servants. As they said it is not only a UK issue it is A WORLDWIDE ISSUE. FACTS.

God bless and Godspeed \G/

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1688 bill of rights and constitution who knew UK had one all you hear of is America's bill or rights and constitution,
They don't want you to know anything just what they tell you in schools so very true.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Yep in the UK well England particularly we have "MAGNA CARTE" our Common Law Constitution that is NOT curmounrtable or changeable. They can try all they li9ke with their Admiralty Law which is what we have to live by currently, they call it corporate law, but it is the old law of the Sea they used to enslave the original slaves.

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19:50 anx onwards the tattoo gentleman mentions 1688 bill of rights and 1707 act of unity+freedom of travel in relation to common and peoples law.

Very interesting however UK is Cucked will this achieve anything who knows as they say protesting doesn't do anything or help as much instead prepp up for what's coming down the line. I'm not sure as I would really hope these gentlemen and people succeed in stopping Tyranny and Government over reach.

That being said even if they are successful they may just send in UN/NATO/FEMA troops to make comply so who knows.

God willing prepare so you have options if your local community can and will fight back and get these 15min city nonsense thrown into the trash and not comply to it then Do so.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

The Commoner's WILL as they havedone through History beat this current thing, well those with BRAINS left will? I have a simple moto- What can be done, can be and will be undone.

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