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How They Created A Generation Controlled By Pleasure


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Published on 30 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

Some of us have been fighting back or resisting their demonic influence in both life and death... Good video though... overall you are correct. I am not sure about the Clinton signing Communications Decency Act and Boogie Nights... perhaps the Alister Crowley disciples in Lame Stream media pushed it into success! People fuck: They always have. If they did not, we literally would not be here. The Globohomo Satanic Jews are trying to kill us off first by abortion, then by using women to destroy men and children, and then by killing us or enslaving us when we no longer have the numbers to resist them. Thing is, we do not need numbers. We have the Gods, the God El of Israel and His wife Ashereh the Tree of Life... yeah it goes all the back before and in Egypt during the Age of Taurus... After Egypt and the Exodus, we entered into Age of Ram with Moses' Laws or Biblical Age of Laws and then He came into us as Cosplay in the Age of Pisces or Biblical Salvation and now we are nearing in the mid to late 2040s the Age of Aquarius or "Enlightenment," ie a play off Biblical Revelations... funny thing is I am starting to believe I am be an agent of the Gods used to help bring in these "Revelations" or ancient truths rediscovered! Who better to bring ancient truths than the One True God El of Israel... Truth matters. We do not need numbers, we have the Gods and their angels... sure the demons may be many now: Ole pedophile Alister Crowley and his possessed followers may have opened some doors or gates allowing more demons to come back into Earth much like the Days of Noah when demons were aplenty and there were giants... oh wait, they said in the End of Days there would be giants as in the Days of Noah... prophecy checked. We have giants. My unit ha seen them in Afghanistan. So, if "Marky Mark" Wahlburg pushed the Decadency with Boogie Nights that Lone Survivor wasn't used to cover up units eaten by giants?! Just saying... I've been in country over there... So why the "Astrology?" references? God El literally said "Signs and times" and He as Christ Cosplaying human said "Only the Father knows the date and time, but watch the signs of the times." Literally telling you it's astrology or astrological. As Peter said "A Day for the Lord is a thousand years for men:" Each astrological age is just over a thousand years... Adam lived for one day dying in his nine hundred years (and his body was closer to the original perfection... damn if only he did not drive Lilith away into becoming a single mother.. uhm Mother of Monsters... Numbers mean nothing: Truth matters and precise instrumental strikes or movements say on a chess board (also a relic from ancient Egypt) will nullify their "numbers." Oh ye of little faith... so two angels took down Sodom and Gomorrah with a heavenly addition... Their Sodomites in their numbers never had a chance... and I wonder was God El just humoring Abraham as he was trying to save both Lot and Lot's new "expanding" city with fortunes... it's almost like money is the root of most problems?! You saw the same with Nineveh and Jonah...

So tell me, are you listening now? Paying attention as prophecies some even almost four thousand years old are coming true or being fulfilled...? I am waiting on five to occur and two roadmaps... one being a joint strike of Gog and Magog (China and Russia) attacking Israel with NBC warfare creating "cities of the dead" requiring them to "be buried" just before the road to Armageddon and Tribulations begins or rather, that road would be opened... Keep learning: Keep watching... Remember, in the mid to late 2040s we will enter into the Age of Aquarius ie Revelations... then shit is getting real. If He calleth you, pay attention: It might be your only chance for salvation. Just saying... have a good one brother. We should strive to save as many men and boys we call while we still can...

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

Well fuck... that was long? Oh well, that's what she said about me...

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

What do you mean "we?"

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TheRedKnight 10 months ago

I think he means we as a society, as a collective, but I'm not all the way sure :|

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

@TheRedKnight: that's my point... i've been resiting this shit as a kid though I did like the porn... it prepared me for women especially when I was raised surround by pussy... Pussy, pussy all around, not one I could fuck to be found... (I'm not inbred.)

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