How this person addressed police officers. "Get off my property bitch"
Do not talk to them.
They are not your friend.
Do not consent.
They will lie to you every time. They are just CORPORATE order takers and revenue rasiers. Weak minded, low IQ order takers on a power trip. Notice the so called "warrant" was non-existent. So the Police officer LIED.
The reason they don't want camera's around is because they don't want us to record their criminal actions. If they were in the right they would be all about being filmed. Think about it.
In this NWO 'new normal' World, all they have become are now just criminals with a badge and a gun.
Source: Strawman
UTL COMMENT:- Now I wouldn't go OTT like this individual did.....I'd just politely ask them "where is your warrant" and if they cannot produce one then I'd ask them to go....
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Bye Felicias
I loved this.
Funny how they only listen to women
if a man had done the same thing they would have called the swatt team and kicked in the door
I like how she called the male officers the pets. The female officers "pets." Based! Look at that cuck standing in the background and he's not allowed to speak. What a beta! Of course as punishment for his sins he's fat and bald like a demon.