All this dating advice on MGTOW.TV when really the best advice in a world where the deck and rules are stacked against YOU is how to control or get over your thirst. Directing thirsty men off of one cliff instead of the other isn't helping anyone, in fact this is the kind of shit that drives men from plantation A to plantation B.
The modern woman is broken, but more than that, the system is broken, wherever you go, and the only ones that can fix it won't because it 'benefits' them.
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All this dating advice on MGTOW.TV when really the best advice in a world where the deck and rules are stacked against YOU is how to control or get over your thirst. Directing thirsty men off of one cliff instead of the other isn't helping anyone, in fact this is the kind of shit that drives men from plantation A to plantation B.
The modern woman is broken, but more than that, the system is broken, wherever you go, and the only ones that can fix it won't because it 'benefits' them.
Women unchecked and overseas are like tumble weeds.....
Blowing around from dick to dick to dick.....