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How To Deal With Black Male Depression


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Published on 25 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

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To cure depression you need chicken and watermelon jk haha although BEEF AND WATERMELON works great if not better hope that's helps :D \G/

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Why can't it just be MEN, instead of "BLACK" men.......
Seems like the jews and he democrat party at work.
Afrikan American - everyone comes from Afrika.
And since you were not BORN THERE, this just makes you an American.

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RedKnight 5 months ago

this is an old video from oshay duke jackson, he talks about black male issues, this is from like 2016-2017. but yes I understand what your saying Shane, MALE depression is a serious issue!

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@TheRedKnight: You can see that ONCE the black and proud / Black Afriken American narrative is established and tying ones identity into some of the people who were slaves, and then declaring all the white people to be the oppressors of the black people, the AFRIKEN AMERICAN people, then it's an us Vs. them narrative and it's easy to stoke and it's easy to perpetrate the narrative through the generations..... "We are victims and we are entitled too, and we are not responsible for".... "And until the shackles of oppression are lifted and the white man changes we are not going to rest in defeating the racisim" ----- And so this guy is just copying that crap - while the main topic is depression - not all the other tacked on crap that was piled on, "Cause we, the coloured people of America, is opporessed". Have you had a look at this - it's very detailed and kind of long running.... This may actually have a lot more to do with depression than anything... The Number ONE Food You Need to STOP EATING To Heal The Brain FIGHT DISEASE - Dr Chris Palmer

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@TheRedKnight: And this tacks onto this as a predecessor... 06. How to eat for health, longevity and happiness - the biology of NOT fucking yourself up on bad food. it gets into the cellular machanics.... mitrochondria.... OUR almost earliest ancestors flipped the switch when ONE type of cell was able to live inside another type of cell and the two got along fabulously... Interracial before races were invented.

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