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How to die while arc welding at home - the top 5 ways - Auto Expert John Cadogan

Published on 22 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Heavyhand 1 year ago

I really appreciate this post Shane.

My son is a fabricator and very good at it but he is very new.

Just to be on the safe side I’m going to make him watch this video.

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Yeah well this is all general welding school tuition and safety issues... there is a number of other things.. It's not some great mystery of the ancient sages, it's sort of every day at every welding school and all factories and all Occupational Health and Safety stuff..... It's a bit like doing house work... Well if Chemical A removes dirt and grime and Chemical B removes mould and mildew - why not mix them together and do it in the one go? Seems like a good idea... Until it goes "POW!" and blows up in your face.... Just search. "welding safety PDF" - minus quotation marks, and all the welding insititutes and schools and reports into workplace illness's and deaths and things that cripple and kill you, will leap forth from the "great mysteries of the big wide world".

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Heavyhand 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah I sent my son to a top rate fabrication school so he does probably know all the stuff. However I only have one son so I have a vested interest in him not fucking dying from something stupid:) thank you again for this post.

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@Heavyhand: Don't frett too much about any of it. From the time the sperm hits the egg, we are all going to die. I might be in a few days, 5 years, 10 years 50 years or 100 years. There is no point in fretting about any of it... Just do your best, hope that others are also doing theres, accept that people fuck things up for a whole heap of reasons - justly and maliciously, people also make errors in judgement, mistakes etc.. and shit things happen to good people... If he outlives you, great, if he has kids and they outlive him, even better... but people can die from the simplest of things, and there can be obscure chains or combinations of events, try to keep things simple and in the here and now....

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sbseed 1 year ago

this type of stupid is beyond my comprehension...

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Heavyhand 1 year ago

Fuck man. You seriously have nothing good to say ever. How about a little constructive criticism instead of just showing how hostile and ignorant you are.

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sbseed 1 year ago

the filters that you wear on your waist are insanely fucking expensive the lowest prices start (or used to) 1200 to upward of 2000 or more... and that has not gone down...

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I built my own, and as far as non toxic compressor oil - that you can only buy in 20 liter drums for $300 or some thing like it, you can run compressors on OLIVE OIL as long as you have regular changes... it works all right. Then run the compressed air though a separator to spin out the moisture and fumes, and then a dry air filter... and you can have your own air supply with the conversion of a 2 cartridge half face filter into a fresh air supply system. Also he forgot to mention POINT OF USE air extraction systems... AND to keep your head out of the welding fumes... AND like most retards with the all or nothing approach - A faint cross wind, from a smal, slowly spinning fan, a long way off, aimed at your head, will keep the fumes out of your breathing space and it won't blow the shielding gas away... and there is also the issue of putting up a small shield to block the air flow coming at the torch too... So there is 4 things, point of welding fume extraction, a FAINT cross flow of air, a shield to prevent your shielding gas from blowing away, and a DIY respirator..... this is how you circumvent the $2000 strap on air filter systems... AND I made up my own welding helmet, that me with my great big water melon head, can wear a half face respirator underneath, with filters rated for welding fumes...

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The breathing aparatus oil - made for HIGH PRESSURES and HIGH TEMPERATURES in the compressor, for the air cylinder filling compressors (2000 psi etc.) do not break down into carbon monoxide like normal low pressure / industrial compressor oils do... AND in Australia, your looking at about $90 a liter delivered, and around $1300 for a 20 liter drum.... Most of this safety shit is insanely expensive....... ----- ------ ----------- So a 100 PSI compressor - with a big storage tank, and centripital filtration AND extra activated charcoal filtration makes for a GOOD CLEAN air supply at 1 / 1000th the price of commercial systems....

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sbseed 1 year ago

the radiation bit is complete horseshit...
what kind of shit metal/chemicals are these waste of spaces use to kill themselves, frankly they did the world a favor by offing themselves for wasting oxygen...

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sbseed 1 year ago

ok this is beyond my comprehension i just do not understand....
this has got to be an aussie thing, i have never heard of any of this stuff before...
you have to be a very special kind of stupid to manage this stuff and really really work at killing yourself in welding...

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Your only writing this because you want my time and attention - to be the father you never had...

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