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Published on 21 Aug 2021 / In News & Politics


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KEEPER 3 years ago

Best if played at 0.75x speed

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KEEPER 3 years ago

I think it's a little to late for this info when so many have quit due to the mandates.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 years ago

Agreed. State workers who have been fired due to not taking the jab may be broke now, but heading to the bank in the near future as it is highly 'unconstitutional' to fire for such a reason. Should Trump make a comeback, a lot of businesses who fired unvax'd employees are going to pay through the ass. Not the biggest trump fan, but dude was entirely against these mandates.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@Eggy_Noggy: that's only if they were fired, apparently many ppl just out right quit without knowing that they could have stayed as the company would have known that a lawsuit could be brought up. but most ppl thought that the mandate was within the law because the potus said so, but in recent news for a month or two now, we have learned that the mandate is against the constitution which is backed by the law , so that means that the potus just broke the law leading to a whole lot of ppl folding to the potus orders. trump was right to be against the mandate, but he was really pushing the vax, which i think was a bad move, of course i know trump isn't perfect, and he often does things because he hears about how great things are, but sometimes he can be an gullible idiot when he started telling everyone how great the vax is as he started boasting about it like an idiot. if you understand how vaccines are made and understand how long it takes for them to get to the point to where they are safe, they at least go 8 years in the very least before they ever suggest that it's good. it's experiential and it will be experiential for a long while, they skipped the animal testing and went straight to human trials, everyone who took it and is continuing to take these vaccines are ginipigs and were stupid to get this thing so damn soon, especailly after we all learned that covid poses almost no threat to anyone under 60 and that herd immunity is the most effective way to get passed it, the Amish had a covid party and some ppl got sick and most lived with no issue, while everyone else in the nation stayed in their homes double masked and vaxed themselves, and the news started talking about a new variant , which btw is probably because ppl are taking an experimental vax like duh... it makes the most sense lol. but the media just keep spinning the narrative, OH, IT'S THE UNVAXED who are dying in massive numbers, i'm willing to bet it's the vaxed who are dying in larger numbers, but we have so many corrupt ppl within this country, they are within every branch of government and most companies fall in line and the media constantly props up what's going on, the lies are obvious at this point if you are paying attention, most ppl are sheep and will continue to "listen and believe" without question because they want the trusted sources who have been lying to them this whole time. i guess at the end of the day, whoever jumps in the experiential shot nonsense, they deserve what's coming to them, i feel sorry for their kids as they have no choice but to do what their parents say and will suffer the effects of it, but at the end of the day, there really is nothing you can do about the blissfully ignorant ppl and just move on with your life.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

sorry, that was really long.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 years ago

@KEEPER: No, it wasnt long. I havent read anything from you in awhile - so it was a good read! I agree with most of what you said here. Yes, the media is spinning the 'its the unvvaxed people dying' narrative hard now and I actually saw that much coming before it happened. And yes I do feel sorry for their offspring. BIGTIME!! The problem with the blissfully ignorant people is that they are EVERYWHERE now. Just getting away from them is getting harder and harder.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@Eggy_Noggy: it would have looked longer if i could put breaks in my paragraphs, and it's often easier to read in that format. but i'm glad you read it, i still remember you don't like long read information that explains things with enough depth, so yeah...

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 years ago

@KEEPER: Nah. I just dont like walls of text. Remember, Im reading this stuff on a netbook! Thats a tiny screen. But no worries, you're good.

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Mustang 3 years ago

Catherine's website is Greg Hunter had heard reports that when employees have filled out those forms and taken them to HR to get them to sign off on them, the Employer has said "Thats OK, you dont have to get the Jab". They dont want to risk having to pay out on a massive Judgement from a Lawsuit. Its worth a try, but don't quit!!! You are screwed then.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

In my mind that’s another reason to be financially independent, so that one does not have to be in the mercy of another.

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Mustang 3 years ago

Amen Bro!!! Excellent advice. Catherine Austin Fitts has assuming responsibility forms on her website. Dont quit like the Gentleman said. In my State in America, if you quit, you cannot draw unemployment. But if they fire you, you can. You may have to go through a Hearing to fight for it but if you quit, you are screwed.

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