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How To: Get Rid of Your Wife Like a Boss - MGTOW

Published on 05 Feb 2017 / In People & Blogs

In this video I tell the epic tale of how my friend got rid of his wife; like a boss!

No Holds Barred Alternate Channel




First, I would like to give a quick shout out. No Holds Barred has received two strikes on his youTube channel. He has decided to put all his videos to private until at least one of those strikes clears. If he were to receive a 3rd strike, his channel would be closed by youTube. As such, he has taken measures to protect his channel. In the meantime, he will be continuing to produce content on his alternate channel. I have put the link to his new channel in the description of this video.

Personally, I consider No Holds Barred to be the MGTOW ambassador to Australia. His videos have a level of originality and hilarity that I do not see often in the community. His sense of humor has a great balance of self-deprecating Australian stereotyping combined with assholerry pure as the driven snow. He manages to temper an arrogant façade with subtle humility which has him come across as confident without falling into conceit. Most importantly, I find that No Holds Barred really puts the work into his ambitious videos. I know myself how long animation, editing, scripting, and then performing for a short 5-minute video can take. He deserves our support and I hope that you guys sub to his new channel if for no other reason than to grow his sub count.

Now, on to the topic of this video. We are all painfully aware of what can befall a man who undergoes divorce. What I want to do in this video is to share a story with you of my friend’s legal de-entanglement with his wife. Now, my friend is a middle eastern man and an astrophysicist. He emigrated from the middle east to Ireland when he was 18 years old. It was near to 7 years of residency under first a student visa and then a work permit before he eventually acquired Irish citizenship.

He met a Polish girl in Ireland. If you are not aware, Ireland could in part be considered a Polish colony considering the flood of Polish migrants that entered the country once Poland was accepted into the European Union in 2004. Now, my friend got married to this woman after about 2 years of dating. These were my blue pill days so I was not in a position to council him otherwise at the time. Their marriage lasted for around a year before his wife left him. She falsely accused him of domestic violence and filed a restraining order. Why? Because of course she would. This is the first lesson of the story. This woman was born and raised in Poland, or in other words, in Easter Europe. She had been in Dublin, a cosmopolitan city. for less than a year before those two met. This was enough to turn her into a typical western woman.

Now, here is where the story gets interesting. You see, in Ireland the law requires that a married couple must be separated for at least 4 years before they can legally file for divorce. My friend did not want to wait that long as he did not want to build wealth for 4 years only to see that split. At the time of the separation he had but only a year previously entered the work force in his field and had practically nothing to his name. As they had no children and no meaningful assets, a divorce at that point would not be burdensome to him from a financial point of view. He wanted to see if there was any way that he could expedite the divorce proceedings.

First, he started researching divorce requirements and laws in other European countries to see if he could just hop on a plane and get it sorted within the EU. Each country he looked at he found some sort of blocker. Each country demanded that at least one of the filing parties was a resident of the country for at least a year before filing. He then proceeded to look outside the EU. After all, there are small tropical countries known for their quickie divorce laws. What he found was that he could leverage this option but it would not be recognized within Ireland.

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