How to live to one hundred!
Published on 14 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
This I found interesting because one, I'm getting old, two I do much of wwhat is talked about already, Three I've weened myself of all Medication over the last few months and abandon the NHS for my own safety and not to liner the pockets of big pharma CUNT's, and I actually feel better, have less ache's and pain's. Lost weight and old cloth's that wouldn't fit now fit me perfectly! lol1 and it has not cost me a penny, even my diet has changed and I spend about the sme on food but from descent farm suppliers and not the poisonous supermarket's any more.
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A very smart women who knows a lot and a lot of gibberish from a woman with short hair which to me is a Feminazi. No wonder she is looking in good health haha.
I agree Fuck the NHS also get off of any Junk sugar+fat+carbs+fiber and get real sources of that mentioned.
Fuck junk sugar as cancer runs of junk sugar.
Stay in best of health brother as true pain free Health is Wealth
Godbless and Godspeed \G/