How to Make Women Angry | Popp Culture
Sometimes just existing is enough, BUTT it helps to be specific.
#PoppCulture #Dating #AngryWomen
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Things to say to women that piss them off.
01. No.
02. I don't think your listening.
03. You don't know what your talking about.
04. Moist.
05. Honey you just need to calm down.
06. Stop being so emotional.
07. Are you on your period. (Are you on the rags?)
08. Did you hear what I said?
09. I am terribly sorry you feel that way.
10. Can I see your phone.
11. What do you want.
12. Did your friends tell you that?
13. I can't afford that.
14. You can't afford that.
15. Bitch.
16. Liar = Lying Bitch / Cunt / Slut.
17. Do I look like a mind reader to you.
18. Are you going to wear that?
19. (something similar)
20. Are you ready yet?
21. Your mom is not invited.
22. Your acting like your mother.
23. What's for dinner?
24. Do you really think you should be eating that?
AND You have penis envy.
Exist. Don't exist. Doesn't make a difference. Bitches be angry.
That big beer glass looks like an Australian Pint Glass.....
It's a good size for drinking.....
LOL classic - "Bla, bla, bla, CLAP - Bla, bla, bla, CLAP - Bla, bla, bla, CLAP - Bla, bla, bla, ---- SLAP ----".
Are you on your period? ----- Make it - "Are you on the rags?"
Just jotting down some notes...
Someone else 500 videos ago, said, "Aside from being a woman, what other disabilities do you have?"
That is a great "nuclear option" especially if slipped in by inference.... "I used to look at my mother and think...." when dealing with a shit head woman.
What makes it hard on them, you have just called YOUR own mother a dumb cunt, and yet because they will then start a fight, because you said something about your won mother by claiming you meant her.... and then you hit them with, "I think your a bit overly sensitive. Have you been diagnosed with a personality disorder or something?"
And the indirect inferences and steering them around - the voltage just keeps on rising.
Telling them they have have penis envy is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It's usually spectacular. When it comes to women only tell the truth if you can't think of a good lie to tell.