How to Prepare Your Body for Combat | Live From The Lair
After many requests, Popp walks you through the three-month process of preparing your body for combat. Good luck!
#CivilWar #ArmyStrong #LiveFromTheLair
Brought to you by “Worthless: The Young Person’s Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major”
Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music
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Thanks for the vid, have written down the days for month 1 and pinned up to my wall as a potent reminder.
On day 3 now, 39 years old, had the coof and it's longer sister this year which knocked the stuffing out of me, so, my times are not the best,
1.7 miles took me 17:10 today but I'm going to keep at it so I can get up to speed again before I hit 40.
Five miles ain't shit in 40 minutes, when I used to run, I would hate myself for being so weak, because that was approximately my speed, and being the dumb fuck I was (more means better), I use to do 20 and more kilometers, instead of trying to do those 5 miles faster.
Thanks for the video, Popp, I'm currently doing yoga and thinking about making myself great again until I'm too old, and this video of yours inspired me.
Good on you for backing way back on the booze.....
Alcohol is a fairly toxic drug.
Like I have been sober / drug free coming up 33 years and following some floods and the huge clean up, I had to make up some hand wash of 50:50 metho (denatured alcohol) and water - and I put that into a water bottle, SO in one water bottle I had straight metho, and then the next botrtle was the hand wash mix, and then the bottle of drinking water.... and I went to drink from the metho bottle but the smell put me straight off so I didn't drink that. But the fumes that went up my nose, masked the smell of the hand wash solution, and I accidentally, took a HUGE swig of that, instead of the water in the water bottle beside it.
It just made me nauseous and irritable... kind of like when you have a crick in your neck that makes you kind of dizzy and somewhat ill...
I didn't enjoy the effect of the alcohol.... It was just an irritating effect, that ruined the clear mindedness and purity of perception.
Why pay to drink booze when you can sleep on a bad pillow that throws your neck out?
Same effect.
Hey Terrence, when you get back in shape and prepare for the collapse are you going to be able to get rid of your fat man tits? That should be one of ur goals! Eradicate the moobs. I kinda hope u don't get rid of em tho, cuz I like making fun of u over it!
USMC Boot Camp should do the trick. At least the one I went through back in '77. Piece of cake... not.