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How to Repair Broken Outer Ring of Giant Bearing? - Naaa it's bullshit - see pinned comment.

Published on 16 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Mild steel cellulose welding rods, surface weld, wrong alloy, lack of precisions regrinding, no heat treatment.

Probably the rods used.

AND without knowing what it's from, what was connected to that component train, such as the shaft, gears, other bearings etc.. and what MAY have gone wrong with them, then this is one hell of a disintergration and break up of a ball bearing...

And to return a bearing, that has is a substandard "repair" - In terms of load carrying capacity and speed rating and all of that - it really is like putting $20 retreads, on OLD tyres, onto a car that can do 250Kmh on the autobarn....

I mean it's OK - if your in Bumfuck Nowhere, and doing an emergency repair like this is the only way to get the truck 500 K back out of the wilderness.. At 20 or 30 Kmh with metal based anti seize as a lubricant..

But other than that - no fucking way.

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usr6874038614 3 months ago

Just to ensure the customer will come back with the same issue in a couple months time...

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@usr6874038614: I have all the tables and specifications of ball bearings from the manufacturers, along with aerospace requirements - from NASA and the like... THAT is changing the internal and external diameter of the bearing - so it's probably going to be a LOOSE fit or a NO GO fit with the housing and shaft - I do precision hand lapping of the shafts and housings..... The Cellulose Flux welding rods - they are a deep penetration arc welding rod.... They are not HIGH ALLOY, high strength and high hardness welds.... You can't heat treat them either, and they dilute the alloying elements out of the surrounding metal, into the weld pool.... So as the ball rolls, it hits like a mud puddle of steel, from very hard, to a little soft, soft and very soft - at the center of the weld, and in reverse heading out of it... That metal will flow from under the point contact where the ball runs over it - and that will indent into a groove and probably start shedding steel flakes and the ball race will develop "pot holes" on the welded areas... This is OK for a "This is the best we can do, with what we have", emergency type repair - and it's either do that or die... and then nurse it home... But these cunts are always rebuilding buckets of shit anyway... So fuck them. Don't buy any of their rejuvinated crap.

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@usr6874038614: BUT the reason why I chose this image for a starter picture, is to show off the welding discontinuities along the joint...... Both on the inner and outer races.... Look closely on the BIG iMAGE - they are a dead give away that the bearing has been broken and rewelded.

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