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How to Succeed at life Part 0020

Published on 13 Jun 2021 / In Film & Animation


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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

How to get out of sand with your automobile,, rock the wheels fore and aft repeatedly without spinning them at all.. to pack the sand underneath.. You will get to move several feet ,, then you go for the speed to extricate yourself.

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Thanks for the tip... the real danger especially in the flat lands is the aluvial clay. It's what granite through weathering and biological processes, becomes, and it's like warm soft grease, ontop of cold firm grease.... AND in the flat lands - or the flood plains, if you go OFF the sand coated dirt roads after a lot of rain, the flood plains are like sponge cake... You will sink up to the belly pan. Hence the 32 point U turn on a single lane dirt road in the wet. Turn the steering wheel HARD to the right, Roll back 2 feet, turn the steering wheel HARD to the left, go forward 2 feet, Turn the steering wheel HARD to the right, Roll back 2 feet, turn the steering wheel HARD to the left, go forward 2 feet, Turn the steering wheel HARD to the right, Roll back 2 feet, turn the steering wheel HARD to the left, go forward 2 feet, Turn the steering wheel HARD to the right, Roll back 2 feet, turn the steering wheel HARD to the left, go forward 2 feet, etc

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: AND yes I do actually carry a BOAT anchor and a winch, to help get unbogged, I also have a small shovel to make shallow ramps behind the wheels, instread of trying to winch the car UP and out of the holes it sinks into...

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: ya you need big ass tires to get thru the babyshit around here.. a cable winch can help alot..

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@jimbennett: But frequently - there is NOTHING to tie the winch cable too... hence the genuine steel boat anchor. The smarter move is simply to avoid the obiously difficult terrain. The worst thing is the flood plains. where the reasonably good sand coated roads, got dug up by a HUGE bogged tractor and there is a bunch of holes and they are deep, filled with water and mud, and then deciding to go around it by driving over the grass on the side of the road... between the road and the fences... 10 feet off the road the front wheels are bogged up to the rims... a little bit of agitation and the car sinks to the floor pan. When the farmer who towed me out said, "Your car will sink out of sight - till it hits the rock bottom of the valley" - well he wasn't kidding.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: In south Florida around the Everglades we get 2-3 day rains sometimes.. followed by sheet flow flooding.. 2 days after the rain stops the water is still rising until it is over the streets.. and people's yards.. We are talking about swamp areas.. A long time ago the locals uilt swamp buggies using large aircraft balloon tires with chains on them.. nowadays they are looking like farm equipment actually.. but people find ways to get through the muck.. airboats and swamp buggies.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvKK7A7wLPs

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