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How to Survive an EMP ATTACK - Secrets they don't want you to know

Published on 09 Oct 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣#EMP #EMPAttack #surviveempattack How To Survive an EMP Attack-Secrets they don't want you to know about 134 views North Idaho 7 subscribers Published on Aug 19, 2020 How To Survive an EMP Attack Secrets. Membership is FREE Welcome to America's REQUIRED survival. EMP. Solar Flare/CME. Global Pandemic. No supply Chain. Sudden Grid Failure. Protect the people. Safe States Project Pledge As a member of the Safe State Project, I/we acknowledge that our undefended risk to a sudden loss of our infrastructures has forced the American people to enact a responsible defense within our communities and states. As a member, I/we pledge to defend our families, to defend our communities, and to petition our local and state governments in the furtherance of statewide countermeasure implementation. https://www.safestateproject.com/ #EMP #EMPATTACKGroup #EMPAttack #surviveempattack #EMPAttackSecrets Make sure to subscribe to our channel https://www.facebook.com/safestatepro... https://www.instagram.com/safestatepr... https://www.safestateproject.com/

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

I always wonder about these disaster things.. There is so much they / we could do for the AMERICAN people right now that is actually being done contrary to them.. that should be fixed.. like bringing in immigrants to keep everybody poor and homeless.. THEY should be sent back! MONEY should be circulated to return ownership of America to the American people.. so then we can do it all from farming to fishing and ranching to manufactuire.. BUT WALLSTREET WANTS TO RUN ALL THAT., for the catholics... Anyways, my Tahoe had electrical problems after Hurricane Irma.. I just replaced it all except the main box.. An EMP is a radio signal basically.. turns to electric as it hits metal as all radio signals do.. That is how your radio reads the signal turns to electric when it hits the antenna.. Too much electric must be the problem with an EMP.. fries everything.. We could fix the borders and the money right now.. but wallstreet is running our govt and they want to rule the world.. and you.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

I would probly rig my bicycle to my water pump and trade water for pssy .. ;) lol. heheheh.. honestly once I had it done I would tell people to do that.. and they would say "oh how can I do that its not possible.." "that won't work"

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

I guarantee ya this too,, you put out trays of water during dry season and all the animals will be drinking from them,..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

When it's unopened, breakfast cereal lasts six to eight months past the date on the box. If opened, your favorite cereal will typically stay fresh for between four and six months. Many cereals are like canned foods, which generally stay safe to eat but may lose their texture and color as the months and years pass.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

why don't they just fix things now? because of greed / slavery.. cadillacs and vacation homes..

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