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Published on 26 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

Sick of all the bollochs and bullshit? Yep! me too. So some years ago I started walking away from Women, Mdia, the systemm, politic'a and all the crap that goes with it. Recently I've also started to VET my Alternative Media viewing as well, as I've notice with all the bullshit click bait, that is headed this WILL happen, but when you enter it's this MAY or COULD happen from some pundit numpty jusdt looking for clicks and likes, So many of them are now gone from my sub's list and I've stopped visiting. I mean Lame stream is bad enough with the fear and bollock's so that went a long time ago, Now I don't do FEAR or Negative shit anymore. some guy in his garage or computer room spoiting stuff that doesn't really matter at all is no longer a requirement for me anyways, SO I've walked away. Do you know that although aware of this stuff there is no need to visit it at all. The fear and pressure that I assume people get from watching this shit has gone from my life and mindset sometime ago. I know shit is going on, but to date 99.9% on it has NOT impacted my life at all. The secret is to be aware and stoic ready to spring into action if it is needed. so Walk away plan at least one alternative to you peaceful life just in case the SHTF in some drastic or minor way. Peace. Oh! life is pretty damned good as well by walking away from BULLSHIT!

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Councilof1 10 months ago

In my experience not only do people have trouble saying no people they also are shocked when a person say's no. Every person I've said no to is shocked by me saying no. Like they can't comprehend someone telling them no. Especially women when I've said no I don't want to fuck you.

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Councilof1 10 months ago

I've never had a problem walking my own path. Although I'll admit if you want wealth or any other carrots offered by society saying no won't get you there although it's an interesting journey.

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