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Published on 27 Apr 2020 / In Travel & Events

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arkazoid 5 years ago

Plot twist : he invited 17 women in his room and had sex with all of them before catching a black widow at last.

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hesammoosapour 5 years ago

Hope she's arrested & jailed.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

People like her should be set up in stings like this, and imprisoned in hard labor camps. Minimum a couple of years of HARD labor will straighten most these opportunistic cunts up. The really bad ones need to just be left in there for life; that way we at least get some use out of these people instead of killing them and getting no benefit from them at all.

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Doggk 5 years ago

Or make them more angry and worse people in the future...

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

@Doggk: Well the current punishment of wrist-slaps doesn't have any deterrent effect. So they get away with it and KEEP DOING IT. Doing nothing or light punishment is retarded. If this happened to you or a loved one of yours, you'd change your tune.

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Doggk 5 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: It doesn't change the fact that you might transform these people in more talented and smarter criminals.. Violence doesn't solve the problem.. It makes it worse.. that's what you still don't get !! Look at what slaves had as punishments and take a look to their generations now... If violence was the solution well here is your result the afro-americans shooting each other, the most violent population in USA for the moment.... Same shit in Israel... They keep oppressing, killing, torture,.. etc.. Jordanian and palestinian people, till one day all arabs will unite together against Israel and Israelis will encounter worse than with the germans... The common denominator in all these cases is Violence...

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

@Doggk: Lol us afro-americans [I fucking am one, so I know] shoot each other because the fucking U.S. government has forcibly destroyed our families with government-backed welfare. They made the mothers take the fathers out of the home and the result is the ghetto and irrational, abusive monster mothers running the household into ruin. Don't even try to fucking argue with me on this one because I'm a goddamned Black man. I've seen it in my own family. Don't even try that shit.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

@Doggk: You're a fucking British man, aren't you? You all think you know everything and think taking guns away is the most 'obvious answer.' No, if we take guns away from everyone then ONLY the criminals and the government will have them. The Democrats hook my people with welfare money, free food vouchers, and government abortions and healthcare. Us Blacks kill each other over getting the lucrative, multi-billion dollar drug route privileges to supply the illegal drugs to the high-paying White suburbs, corporate city-centers, and the very rich degenerate drug addicts. Of course thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars every 1-2 weeks is better and less fucking humiliating than barely $400-$500 a week getting yelled at by dickless fucking cowards at some job. Then the [in]justice system traps us for minor thing at every turn and takes away our reputation and ability to get actual good jobs. Fuck you and your lofty assumptions about some shit you're sheltered from. You idiots will eventually understand when the lights go out from some attack and then all the disenfranchised Latinos, Blacks, and Whites come to enact their revenge. Unless you show that you understand their plight and can communicate to them without fear, then they'll know which type of people that could care less about the injustice they faced. All the high-flying rich and wealthier drug addict POS's will get what's coming to them.

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RedPillSatori 5 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Just make them pay reparations to the victims (or potential victims), and use some of that money to fund more sting operations to catch them. Much better solution than forcing tax payers to fund your own sadistic desires for revenge, where the victims get nothing in fact.

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MonkWolf 5 years ago

im so desensitized to women that this just feels normal

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Doggk 5 years ago

I've the same issue...

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