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Humanity Is Splitting Into Two

Published on 01 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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I don't think people take the idea very seriously that the internet has an actual effect on us and the reality we inhabit but if you didn't the generation Alpha won't just be taking it seriously, they will be living it. Human is being split into two in an unprecedented speciation event never seen before and we have the "privilege" of living through it if you wish to call it that...

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NeoGeoGamer 8 months ago

Luddism is never the solution. Technology does nothing in and of itself. It's always a human problem. Blaming technology is just a boomer whining about his printer, writ large.

If we're headed to a dystopia because we're irresponsible with technology, we're going there with or without technology. Nobody needed a smartphone to give women the vote, you know. You don't need social media for most people to become ratty liars and scumbags. Thankfully, nobody can do anything against technology except impoverish themselves. Whatever country is able to stay sane while using tech will rule the world.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Hey man, those fucking printers break on their own! Design obsolescence... just saying LOL!

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We Evolve - We Devolve.
Such is Life.

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