I'm A Gold Digger & Proud Of It | FULL EPISODE | Ricki Lake

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Published on 13 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Watch the full episode of "I'm A Gold Digger & Proud Of It"!
Season 01, Episode 130 - I'M A GOLD DIGGER & PROUD OF IT
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Ricki Lake was a daytime tabloid talk show hosted by American actress Ricki Lake. The series debuted in syndication on September 13, 1993, and ended first-run episodes on May 21, 2004, continuing in reruns through the summer until August 27, 2004.
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The stupid cunts cashing out to stupid cunts.
Fuck them.
When masculists come across fluffies, they scream at them "You man slaving, divorce raping, vermin! We masculists have such a hatred of women like you, that we punish you so severely, that we effectively exterminate you, by totally ignoring you, not even pumping and dumping you, forcing you to die a slow miserable death, rotting on the shelf, as men, masculisted men, utterly reject you, spitting in your face, forcing you to FIP up or to die. Fluffiedom to masculists is man slavery, and man slavery is slavery, a war issue to masculist, who are at war against fluffies and fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them off the face of the earth.