Here we are suposidly in a Christian Country with Christian values yet the MET police send 5 wooden tops to harrass a Preacher. The first one is an ASIAN copper so I expect he is loving the moment, the Second is a Feminist Gobshit fefaiol Midget with a shit fefail attitude. the others are their just to look pretty UGLY should I say. TYes this is BRITAIN although with a little research it's be coming indistingishable for early 1930's GERMANY? Admittedly the Christian Guy does do the usual inaffective vomit of the bible instead of using his own words, but I was led to believe we were a free country. If they want to clamp down on religion why not clamp down on the annoying noise of the Muslin 5 times a day call to prayer, much of which is now piped out on big speakers on CD or whatever, surely that is against the lawe;s of public illegal Broadcasting from a devise? Anyway I'm old, sick of it all so WTF should I care for, I have the after life the Great RECYCLING to look forward to when my time here is over! I'll just see my contract here out then move on!
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This is actually hard to believe!
And here I was thinking Canadian police were the weakest cop's. Well I was wrong. The met wins that prize.
Is everyone ready for the persecution of Christian's? It's begun.
These cunts need to be beaten to a pulp and tossed into a trash dumpster.....
Fuck them - they are NWO scabs....
I have NO time or respect for christians... and their "la la la - we love Jesus" crazy making crap....
But I dislike these flat footed fuckers and their bullshit even more.....
"Oh well did you know that sitting at the bus stop drinking your coffee, could be determined as an act of terrorism - AND a hate crime?"
Beatings, Beatings, Beatings, and MORE beatings.....
Nemesis is the Greek goddess of retribution for Hubris. These Bobbies will get theirs eventually, as sure as night follows day.
Reminds me of Germany and the SS, No need to go to North Korea as UK people are being subjected to the same tactics buy the organisation that is suppose to protect them