I've Still Got It
Published on 17 Sep 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Facts and reality
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It's a shame whenever your dick talks, it sounds like a femon.
I'm a Alien that was dropped off on the wrong planet and that was because of BEER! lol! I have little to nothing in common anymore with this place or the creatures that inhabit it.
Young MEN should learn to play the 5 finger Flute! it's better for you and less fucking hassle! lol!
A femon driving a nice car is called a WHORE! thats if you can class a femon in a car as DRIVING that is?
I stopped MANSPLAINING a long time ago. why bother to try to correct or help a femon with a problem. even on the odd occasion when a femon does ask something I don't reply or tell her - Yep! I can fix that easily, but I'm NOT going to.