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I am totally in love with this woman - black hair, black clothing, center of the group.

Published on 11 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

I recognised a few years back, that I didn't have the sexual hots for my own mother..... BUT all the women who I went, "Ding - A - Ling" for, all looked like her.

ALL of them....

"A round head like a golf ball, slim, dark / black hair, etc."

It's a long and complex story.

And I have resigned my self that perhaps that is an all right kind of a thing. The jokes from your friends about your partners, "Oh she / he not only looks like your mother or father, they even sound and act like them too" - actually has AN enormous amount of fact based truth in it, that is VERY common.

Next time your screaming at your kids, and the idea comes into your head, "Oh fuck.... I sound just like my father or mother...."

However it's what is running in the very deep undercurrents that is of the greatest interest.

The question starts with, "Why am I rebonding or attempting to bond, with someone who "looks" just like my of my own parents" (in the general sense)?

Why am I forming relationships with people who if they don't look like either of my own parents, they ACT like one or both of them?

I will teach people how to build a personality from scratch.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

followers, no leaders............. next.

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How fucking rude. When was the last time that you joined a dance troupe and got it together as good as this? Mr whining Couch Potatoe?

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: ...MEN ! Don't join dance troupe's !

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