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I am wary about taking 'other' jabs

Published on 02 Dec 2022 / In Film & Animation

I've followed Richard Vobe or The Bald Explorer and he is typically English ans he talks Sense. Here he ask's the question - Are you wary of Jab's? I add to that and say are you wary of everything these day's? I was CONNED into taking the Covid vax due tomedicval reason's and my age. fortunately I've had absolutely NOP side effects at all, because I have a good Immune system anyway's or the Vax was a Plasibo maybe and just a part of the SCAM, because that is what it still is or was. The result was I keep getting letters from our BROKEN WOKE NHS offering a second dose, which I WILL NOTE or ever haver. a women called me from the NHS asd well. I told her that what with these deaths and suych I was no longer interested in this GAME. She said I would be removed from the reminder or request list, but I still get tyhe Computer generated letter trying to make me RISK my own HEALTHY life. In fact I no longer trust anyone or any thing in this system, Not the NHS, Government, local Authorities, Police, doctor's, and even the zombie hoards I'm confronted with when I go out shopping. People since especially Covid have become FUCKING MORON's, they are now so notiiceable Retarded and stupid they are very easy to spot. The Human race seems to be in some sort of Mass Psychosis or something? I myself have a brain I live in a life for myself anyway where I use logic and rationale to sort problems out. I really do not wish to associate with the Human race anymore, they are a flawed and different species to ME and other's like me , and we are the one's that HAVE NOT changedm because we are still rational? I also don't trust science because it is weaponized now and Science traditionally will change when a new isdea or flavor of the month appears, how can anyone follow or accept that with it's constantly shifting sand's. Same for this CLIMATE CRAP, I'll be 67 years old in 2 weeks and I'm healthy and still alive. My parents and Grandparents went through War's, My victorian anscestor's must have survived the steam age and all the other polutions for me to be here today. Yey a mass of MENTALLY ILL Snowflakes that are weak and been frightened to death because they cannot critically think for themselves thi9nk out of their fear they know the answers? Fuck do they, I remember Pea souper Fog and the 1963 winter in the UK I live on the Yorkshire Moor's but I also survived that as a 5/6 year old. these elites and WEF etc, are not changing the world we know, it's all the complasent weak, frightened Waster's that are causing tyranny to happen by complying out of a lie anf FEAR.

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