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I called it, communism in space, if you bring women, you bring communism.

Published on 27 Oct 2020 / In Film & Animation

So your the baby sitter of women on earth now they want you to be their babysitter in space. Women could never survive in space without the help of men, but men can undoubtedly survive in space and other worlds without women. That is not the issue the issue is that women have the babies, thus we need to solve this problem to be able to leave them behind. This feminist in the video says the issues on the moon will be capitalism and reproducing the same systemic inequalities of todays capitalism and that conquest is bad. They want to preserve the universe from man's touch lol and keep us trapped here on earth. She says its the social aspects that are intriguing, giving them the ability to update laws( which will most undoubtedly only benefit women majority). we must build artificial wombs and sex robots then build a group of men with space technology to leave earth. They will repeat the cycle until extinction because when they do ship women with men on these voyages that end in catastrophe they will come up with all sorts of reasons why and never say it was women until they go extinct. We, if we get to work now, will be long gone. Piggy backing off elon musk technology without him knowing our breakaway civilization plans.

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wayfarer 4 years ago

They decided to live together, "OccupyHotelNextToTheUN". What a load of bullshit.

Where do I apply to get those 11 minutes of my life back?

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

When are men going to learn that women destroy and are not builders. Women are only good for caring for kids up to 7 years old.

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