I Can See Clearly Now
Published on 05 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
I Can See Cleary Now
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Femon's just don't exist in my life anymore, yes I see them about and even have to like you breifly communicate to get something done like pay at a till or or make a Doctors appointment or something. But Social interaction with them just does NOTHING for me, so I don't interact with them. My life is tyo good now to spoil it with a femon their to distract me. I don't have much, but my money, time and Peace of Mind are ALL mine 100%. Femons jhave shot themselves in the foot and continue tio do so, and treat MEN like second or third class citizen's and then they moan they cant find a good MAN dumb enought to use and abuse! lol! Secretly i'm personally looking forward to the SHTF, so I can watch the femons suffer! lol! I know this though, I won't be helping them out of the pit of SHIT they have created for themselves. IO'm set to SURVIVE, because that is what MEN do best, and I promise it will be ALONE with no baggage like a femon in tow.
"Role models are important." A good lesson from good father, Officer Murphy.
I pray we have a day or two without men where a lot of men leave on vacation or Holiday as you say and the few behind "call in sick." Oh what fun, but I have an idea what it would be like.... have you seen the movie Purge?