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I Deleted My YouTube Channel So Should You

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Опубликован в 25 Sep 2021 / В Новости и политика

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 3 лет тому назад

Telling the cunts who run PooTube to fuck off, is about the best thing anyone can do.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 4 лет тому назад

PooTube is such a shit hole - I even find it hard to use it as a side loader for other sites.....

In Australia you can use bits of other peoples works, in comedy - like 30 seconds of music etc..

In PooTube Land, they want to fuck you over with their copy right bullshit.....

"Oh you can appeal it" - where? in an Australian court?

Don't give the shit bags any business / data at all.

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VBLAKEROSE 3 лет тому назад

You are right about that

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 3 лет тому назад

@VBLAKEROSE: "There is 10 seconds of OTHER PEOPLES MUSIC in your video, we have lodged a copyright STRIKE against YOU... and of course you may spend the next 6 months of your life appealing this decision!" Hey POO-TUBE - How about you retarded cunts shove your fucking copyright strike up your arses... while I move all my content to OTHER platforms.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 3 лет тому назад

Playing email ping pong with PooTube over small snippets of other peoples audio, used in comedy, in non monetised videos.... 30 emails backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards = Give me a fucking break. It's like borrowing someone else's 10c pencil and then the teacher comes up to you to enforce the penalty for wearing down the lead, from signing your name with it. "Off to the principles office you go and we are going to phone your parents at home about this too - fucking raaaa raaaaa raaaaaa". Jesus I want to punch some cunt's heads in at Youtube... Fair enough if I had stolen enough content and made some really great content AND sold it as my own and made a shit load of money from it.... But "borrowing" little bits of music.. And the whole song and dance of bullshit they start up - FUCK OFF PooTube. .

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 3 лет тому назад

I am going into psychosis at the mere mention of this mind fuck endless petty crap... I basically REFUSE to post anything on that platform and or use it much. They are the MOST retarded cunts... deleting 90% of my comments, serving up to me 99% of the time, 99% of the content I have already seen, based upon their fucking recommendations... You know like random shit - the last 1000 videos CONTENT CREATORS have uploaded in the last hour.... WOW = Dynamic range and subject matter... Always interesting.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 3 лет тому назад

But Noooooooooooo the same OLD same OLD videos, that I have already seen in the last day, week, month, year and sometimes even reaching back nearly a decade.... What about ALL the other content I have not as yet seen - you fucking retarded fucks at PooTube? Why are they just such retarded cunts? The stupid cunts, just cannot help themselves, they just HAVE TO fuck with people....

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AireonMaven 4 лет тому назад

Fantastic work-from-home opportunity for everyone…Work for three to eight hours a day and start getting paid in the range of 13,000 to 19,000 dollars a month…Weekly payments…And best thing is...It’s so Easy…follow details on this website......

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KEEPER 4 лет тому назад

You don't make them money when you use their bandwidth and block their ads and trackers.

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VBLAKEROSE 4 лет тому назад

You make videos trend for those who don't do that they give the ad money

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KEEPER 4 лет тому назад

@VBLAKEROSE: I'm talking about using an ad blocker and a Tracker blocker.

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boby 4 лет тому назад


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