I Do This to Save Lives | Live From The Lair
So save the hate mail and complaining and in-fighting. 437 men and counting are still alive because of this show. Your whinging is irrelevant.
#LiveFromTheLair #Motivation #CME2022
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A real man would do whatever he pleases without concern for ANYONE else's opinion, man or woman. Women who insist on dictating to men what it means to be a real man simply haven't yet learned their place.
Popp, I understand cognitively the equation you're putting forth: reach as many eyes and ears as possible through any and all avenues.
However, there comes a point in the calculus where it might be worth weighing how many people you're reaching versus how many people you may potentially be alienating. When the latter starts to outweigh the former, then you're actually reaching fewer people that you would otherwise.
So let's dispense with the cryptic analogies and cut to the chase. Within the MGTOW circles there's a lot of grumblings asking, "Why is Popp associating with the CME and ex-felon and con man Donovan Sharpe?" Men who previously followed you religiously are starting to sour on your brand.
The question to ask then is: how many men will I reach at a CME (and from the looks of the audience in attendance, it's not many; at least in the videos of the Vegas CME the attendees appeared pretty sparse) versus how many men will I alienate who I may have otherwise reached through other avenues?
I'm just a messenger bringing you the whispers and grumblings that are growing in certain circles. Any intel is good intel, right? As for me, I'll continue watching Live From The Lair and understanding your rationale. But there's those who won't. And among them may be men who need to hear your message, who you could reach. And if that's the real goal - reaching as many men as possible - then the association with the CME crowd may be doing more harm than good (reach 100 at the cost of alienating 10,000 kinda thing).
Just the fact you're making a response video itself is telling that you're already aware of a brewing issue behind the scenes. Maybe there's something to it.
You sir are a good man. I'm 62. There's a lot of things that I failed to learn early in life. My parents weren't divorced but when I was a teenager my father was a raging drunk. My interpersonal skills were nill. I was the odd kid. The times that I really needed a father to teach me about life, well they never happened. Ween I got married it turned into a shit show. I out lived her. It took fifteen years to struggle out of the hole that was my life. I guess all I'm trying to say is keep doing what you are doing so some other guys don't have to go through the hell that I went through. As for the negative detractors, they're usually shit bags full of foul wind. Just please keep going.
No, the Trans people are killing themselves because you lied to them. Society I mean lied to them.