I Fell In Love With an Oak Tree
Published on 27 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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https://www.trailjournals.com/....images/photos/journa ...'I would lie against it. There was an eroticism with something so big and so old holding my back.'
Yep! that tree is very innocent and doesn't know the damage that femon will cause it, I guess it's rather GREEN to the fap's of life?
Maybe she is making a LOG of her tree trunk count? BARK-ing mad I say! what a SAP!
That femon in the thumnail looks like she is more into BOX WINE than tree's unless that is of course trip's to the LAVA tree! lol! Maybe she is trying to emulate her Cat's they are good climbing tree's, maybe she is looking for a way to climb over the WALL, but I think she has missed the Bus on that one!
I guess in these day's the Femon will try to get WOOD unsuccessfully where it can? I'm STUMPED to why she loves a tree? Maybe she should look back to traditionalism and her ROOT's. I suppose she likes to Monkey BRANCH, I'm gonna LEAF it there I'm running out of words if you TWIG what I'm talking about? lol!