Exactly the reason I don't waste my time with "breast cancer awareness". You know, where these cucked sports teams "persuade" their players and coaches to wear a pink colored article of clothing? Not so ironic that (I read) the "sponsor" of breast cancer "awareness", Susan G. Komen Foundation, contributes to Planned Parenthood. YCMTSU. KS
Yeah, you don't see the NFL wearing blue(?) in September which is prostate cancer awareness month. Might actually affect more player than breast cancer. And seriously, is there anyone on this planet that's been alive the last 30-40 years that hasn't heard there is a condition called breast cancer? How much more awareness does it need? In all this time the only cure they have come up with is the same cure they have for other cancers...Amputate! Amputation is not a cure, or modern medicine. It's how doctors repaired things in the 1800's and earlier. If I break my ankle, just amputate my leg below my knee...no more broken ankle! I'm cured!
@Generationless: I guess the entire petty party is due to the fact that— without those tantalizing tits there would be a lot less reason to actually talk to females.
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Exactly the reason I don't waste my time with "breast cancer awareness". You know, where these cucked sports teams "persuade" their players and coaches to wear a pink colored article of clothing? Not so ironic that (I read) the "sponsor" of breast cancer "awareness", Susan G. Komen Foundation, contributes to Planned Parenthood.