I Just Killed My Mom and Sister, Does That Make Me Evil
Published on 03 Sep 2024 / In
News & Politics
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the people involved are the last 3 on the right of the thumbnail picture.
reminds me of the kid who used a hammer to kill his parents, bashed in their skulls while they where sleeping...
same excuses and demeanor... except he threw a party while his dead parents where in the other room, his friend found out about it after the party...
same fucked up thinking... i am disgusted with the dispatcher... lets gentle this murdering scumbag along like he was a 6 YO that made a mistake...
bitch needs to be fired...
"freaked out about guns now" what the actual fuck, like it was somehow the guns fault that the psychopath shot and killed his mother and sister...
in this case, the answer is YES YOU ARE EVIL you shithead...
indoctrination, the end results...
Wonder if this will made into a future HMT?
Notice how he refers to his sister is kind of racist sometimes, that was the mainstream media propaganda talking, and it's probably why they decided to homeschool him and the first place because he was being exposed to all kinds of garbage which caused him to do this very thing among other things of course.