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I Just Killed My Mom and Sister, Does That Make Me Evil

Published on 03 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 6 months ago  

the people involved are the last 3 on the right of the thumbnail picture.

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sbseed 6 months ago

reminds me of the kid who used a hammer to kill his parents, bashed in their skulls while they where sleeping...
same excuses and demeanor... except he threw a party while his dead parents where in the other room, his friend found out about it after the party...
same fucked up thinking... i am disgusted with the dispatcher... lets gentle this murdering scumbag along like he was a 6 YO that made a mistake...
bitch needs to be fired...

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i get it, but dispatchers are meant to keep the person calm no matter who they are or what they did, i agree with you when someone does something like this, but they do this for a few reasons, they are going to arrest him regardless the situation and he's going to prison, but more than likely for him, he will likely be sent to some kind of mental institution jail place, i know this because i have a step brother who is in one of these places, and to be honest with you, they shouldn't have these institutions for the ones who commit these kinds of crimes, they should just shoot them dead.

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sbseed 6 months ago

"freaked out about guns now" what the actual fuck, like it was somehow the guns fault that the psychopath shot and killed his mother and sister...
in this case, the answer is YES YOU ARE EVIL you shithead...

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sbseed 6 months ago

indoctrination, the end results...

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KEEPER 6 months ago

yeah i think that has part of the blame as well, because we understand what these kids are exposed to in the public schools these days more than ever before. the propaganda and indoctrination is very strong for this kids generation, but i also think he might be on the spectrum.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i mean just take a look at him next to his sister, he's making a false smile and he looks a lot like my nephew who has autism when he smiles in any picture, it's always this partal smile that comes off as fake, but he's not acting like other kids do during photos, he's not intentionally being a little shit not wanting to be in the photo, he's just awkward as hell and you can see it in his demeanor on his face, he looks to be on the spectrum, i don't sat this to be rude, i say it as a sign.

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sbseed 6 months ago

@KEEPER: they kept him in the public school system for way to long before they decided to homeschool... which seems like the case here....

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sbseed 6 months ago

@KEEPER: it is possible that he has aspergers, but that is unlikely... unless it is coupled with other things like scitzo (not even gonna pretend i can spell that right) or some other psychotic 'disorder'... aspergers makes people more hyper aware, causes sensativity to sound/light usually (not always), memory is like a steal trap except in very rare instances, they are always paryas because they are always socially awkward and are not interested in trivial things...

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sauger1001 6 months ago

Wonder if this will made into a future HMT?

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KEEPER 6 months ago

What does that stand for?

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Hockey Mask Time videos from Red Pill Married (RPM).

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: is this a series that he does? I haven't listened to that guy's videos in Forever, and I know he's on this website it's just I don't really listen to him all that much nothing against him of course, I think he's an okay Creator whatever, it's just that I don't really have time for everybody. I have been listening to a fuckload of hammer hand TFM and Terence pop, and there's not much else I have time for honestly, however I'll go to YouTube and listen to shit all day shit like this LOL.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Yes, he does them mostly on the weekends, but does regular videos during the week. I admit it's an "acquired taste" for some, bc of the graphic details, but HMTs are more about women pushing their men to a point where the men have had enough of the women's disrespect, infidelity, etc. I came close to that years ago, but simply walked away instead. Glad I did.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: i get confused by the term because TFM used that same term in his podcasts for years and years and he was talking about the time when shit in America happens and everything is chaos that is what true hocky mask time represents for him, i agree with that, however i suppose in the context of RPM with him talking about stories like this i get that, i also remember TFM doing shows like this in the past, but it mostly came from that grifter DDJ.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Yeah, I remember DDJ's "Misandry Today" videos. Some were pretty informative, but also proves we all (men and women) have faults. I take what info will help me and leave the rest on the shelves, like a grocery store.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: agreed, i liked DDJ at the time and i found what he talked about was very informative and i never thought he would do such a dumbass thing, but this is why TFM always remained anonymous and why he suggested this for others, however DDJ couldn't help himself and he was willing to expose himself while he took out another group of men, i almost feel he planned this the whole time, basically infiltrate the men's groups talking about all of men's issues only to throw them under the bus in order to destroy them only to do the same thing to another men's group, what was it, something and cars, mens group i forgot their name, but they were kind of an right wing related men's group that hosted shows that costed 2 grand per person, they were only in it for the money if i remember right, and they were taken out, DDJ didn't really effect TFM's channel more than he did himself on youtube, but he did destroy that other channel, and they fell for the grift.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Yeah, I think that guy's name was Bill Cooper, Alphas In Cars, or some BS title. I think it shows how misguided (mostly thanks to single mothers and/or weak fathers, though some guys survived in spite of their parents) we can be at times. Paying 2k for so called "Red pilled" info which can be easily found (for free) studying the MOST Red Pilled BOOK in the history of the Universe, The Bible. No wonder we're collapsing.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: yeah, no kidding, like as much as i hate to admit it, there are a fuck load of grifters in not only this community but in other men's communities, a lot of it comes down to making money, look i know hammerhand makes money off of donations and all that, but from what i understand he never makes people pay for him, that's just how the commenting system works to show up on his show screen and it's the same with Popp and TFM. but the channels who pretend only they have the true redpills stuff and are selling something that

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i hit enter too soon by accident

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KEEPER 6 months ago

costs a shit load are grifters who are using information that is made by other content creators that is all free and they are just taking advantage of these men, the ones who use patreon as well i feel are grifters.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i mean if they are using this site's version of patreon that givsendbro site Amr created, then it's at least supporting Amr to the extent that this website continues to exist, but if it just goes to some random website like patreon that doesn't really care about men i don't view this as something worth supporting, this is why i only find mgtow stuff on this site, i'm glad to see some folks who still use youtube are at the very least are attempting on talking about this website, as some just use it as a backup archive only and don't really support the site outside of keeping their shows archived. what men need to understand is we need to support those who would support us, and this site is the only one that i personally feel won't be like all the rest Amr tries to keep this website alive, he's not perfect and we know that but at least he tries to make it work.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

Notice how he refers to his sister is kind of racist sometimes, that was the mainstream media propaganda talking, and it's probably why they decided to homeschool him and the first place because he was being exposed to all kinds of garbage which caused him to do this very thing among other things of course.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

I have a buddy in our congregation, who along with his wife, pulled their son out of public school for the same reasons. I believe their son is more level headed than this dude, but you never know what happens behind closed doors. I visit them regularly and have dinner with them on occasion. He is "on the spectrum", but he reminds me of myself at his age, so maybe I'm somewhat on a "spectrum" as well. Who knows?

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: if i have learned anything, we all have some of these tendencies, i hate to admit such things, because it's not good, but maybe exposing ourselves to such things is also kind of a preparing ourselves for possible situations in the future if shit like this happens, i just heard of another story via tim pool on youtube of these roaming gangs of illegal's who are going from house to house in Colorado and have gone on a killing stealing spree and nothing and nobody is attempting on stopping them, they just get away with it, and this shit just happened too. so it's getting everyone on edge that shit might come to where they live so people are arming themselves for the possible situation where shit like this might happen.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Our nation is collapsing before our eyes. Like Judah (Israel) in the Middle East, we've become like Sodom and Gomorrah, and The Creator is holding us accountable. We're reaping what we've sown for the last 60+ years. JMO.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: your probably not wrong, back when i was doing interviews with that dude who named himself angry Mormon, he told me some stuff that i didn't believe at the time, but the more i think about what's been happening in this country the more his words dawn on me and where we are headed as a nation. now i haven't gone to church in nearly a decade at this point and i was an active member for a while, i like to still believe i'm a good person and that people are good, but more and more i'm reminded through myself and the things i say to the passing of events that i'm turning into someone i would hate only a decade ago, i'm bitter and i know it, but it's because all of this stuff and the fact that when i have prayed i feel ignored by god, it often feels like there is nothing there listening to me, normally i would never admit such a thing and just pretend everything is fine, but it dawns on me constantly and makes me believe there is no god and that i am really just talking to myself, i still want to believe, but i have zero faith and i only see examples of bad things happening all around me, anyway what Angry Mormon said was that god is essentially punishing those who abandoned him on mass with these troubles, it sounds so fucked up to listen to that, because it suggests that i deserve god to not listen to me that we all deserve this stuff happening to us, it's fucked to come to this conclusion because i felt like i mostly followed god's plan in my life but there are some obvious things that i feel i can't really be apart of simply because of these things going on in the nation, like according to god of the bible he wants us to get married and have children, but because of issues with women and the laws in the countries and how messed up modern women are i feel there is no real path to that end, but somehow i figure that god will forgive me because he might understand the circumstance's of my viewpoint, maybe, i say maybe because we are to believe that god knows all and sees all and is all powerful and yet he never shows up when i call on him when i need him the most.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Understood. I remember when "9/11" happened that Bryant Gumbel (NBC Today Show) asked a famous preacher's (Billy Graham) daughter how God could allow this (I have my own opinions about that day, but will keep it to myself, for now). Basically her answer was "we" (as a nation) ignored HIS Hand of Protection, rebelled against His Commandments and Laws, so He just and let the devil have his way with us. I'm only paraphrasing what she said. I agree there are a lot of people who are trying to be good people; we all make mistakes, but I believe He's testing us by allowing these events. Just as in past centuries/millenia, those who want God's protection will eventually study their Bibles, pray/repent and ask Him for forgiveness. They'll learn to follow/trust in Him. The fact that these event are happening, proves (imo) He can turn thing around when WE turn our lives around; to Him. JMO.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: Angry Mormon said something about a force called the aserians, he referred to these beings that work alongside god but are not angels, i'm likely spelling it wrong, but this was the pronunciation of what the word was he used, now both him and i kind of went into a lot of conspiracy theory stuff when we had these interviews, i think his knowledge on this stuff was far more vast than i knew about or understood, stuff that i have never heard of and we grew up allegedly in the same church, so often at times he would talk about some weird stuff that made me question if he was telling me the truth or some bullshit he made up lol. like one of the crazy things he mentioned that i still think is nuts in my mind was when he brought up these asserians and that Joseph Smith himself was out there doing these things somehow, like batshit fabricated sounding things, of course i listened to him, but did i believe what he was talking about? a little bit, but it was due to that thing he mentioned that god is causing all this stuff to happen, it's so weird thinking about that idea that god is causing all of this bullshit to happen, i mean for ages it's always been believed that Satan was responsible for all the evil's in the world so to consider that god himself is allowing these things is so against what i have been taught but what i have read in the scriptures that i simply can't believe in everything he said on this conversation. i went into conspiracy stuff as well, but the stuff i was talking about was nowhere near as crazy, lol like i was suggesting that god is not this being that's talked about in the bible of this infinite wisdom being that knows all or sees all, i was making the comparison that he's possibly a alien from another planet and he's really some kind of scientist. still crazy i will admit, but idk, i just get inspired by stuff and throw out my opinions on things, but i almost want to believe both ideas are possible, like i'm willing to accept both theories, whichever one is true, i'm willing to accept it if it's presented to me.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

but that's really stupid thinking and i know it lol

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Not necessarily (I think your friend may have been talking about the "Assyrians", who are today's Germans btw). Satan's a created being just like the rest of us, and I believe The Creator Of All Things uses him for his purpose. I don't pretend to understand how God thinks, since The Bible says, "My thought are not your thoughts, nor My ways your ways... (Is. 55:8-9)". In my short life here on earth, I know He has saved me from situations where I should be dead. When I was deployed in the Philippines back in '80-'81, there was an incident where another Marine and I were headed back to the base. A woman came up to the other Marine who was Filipino, and they spoke their native Tagalog (she basically accused him of raping her). She called a constable into their conversation, and long story short, the constable asked the other man to "come with him" to the station. He told me to "take care", and bolted down a side street. The constable pulled out his gun and shot the man as he ran. As the crowd gathered around, I didn't hang around to ask questions, but just walked back to the base. I wasn't exactly living a moral life back then, so...

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: Assyrian i think is the word he used, but when i look this up i find this wikipedia thing and it's filled with all kinds of stuff and idk, it's just too much info that i doubt i will read enough to get an idea where he was getting at. i mean i find it interesting, but it's just too much info ya know?

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KEEPER 6 months ago

like i feel like i'm reading about possibly the wrong thing or maybe it is the right thing, but there is to much info to go through to understand the context.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Believe it or not, The Bible also mentions these empires. I simply learned through my Church ministers, who understood history much better than myself. I just take notes. I know that the Medes and Persians (Russians and Iranians) have been allies for thousands of years, and are still to this day. The Assyrians were warmongers, always conquering and being conquered (like Hitler and the Nazis). My guess is these events were all controlled by The Divine Puppetmaster, bringing us to this point. I know that (figuratively speaking) Satan can't use the bathroom without God's permission. May I suggest reading the Book of Job (the first two or three chapters should suffice, Lol.). Satan wanted to kill Job, but God told him not to, though he was allowed to make him suffer. Chapters 40-42 tell us Whose in charge. Spoiler alert: It ain't us. Lol. Please, don't stop praying. Your answers will come in HIS time. JMO

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@KEEPER: Daniel 2:20-22 also proves Who raises and brings down nations. If we obey, only HE can protect, not man.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@sauger1001: well that's some frustrating as hell advice to take, but ok, i will not stop and i will check out job or is it jobe ah, i will just look it up, i sound stupid trying to spell it lol

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KEEPER 6 months ago

just reading about him, it sounds way to good to be true, i mean i have cursed god countless times in my life, i don't think i have it in me to go as far as job, like wtf? he must have had some inside knowledge of god or something to never curse him like i have countless times in my life, i know you can't deny god once you have seen him, because if you do you failed the test and are damned

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KEEPER 6 months ago

i will have to read the rest later though, so to be continued

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