I-m Done with Electric Cars! Going back to Combustion Power - Here-s Why!
Before you get taken in with the big "Climate change" SCAM and buying electric Vegicles Take a look at this video first? Whether its a car or motorcycle, unlike an Ebike (they have their problems to), seriously look at the LACK of Infrastructure their is to charge the damned things, especially if you live in tghe UK or Ireland. In the UK where there is little Infrastructure for charging or Electric compliance or acceptance they are planning to BAB, YES you heard it right BAN, Petrol and Diesel powered vehicles in - GET THIS - The Next 7 years. Yep1 150+ years of mechanical engineering and innovation is set to be forgotten? If this is immplimented I think they will realize when economies and finance collapses virtually over night they have made a big mistake.
The Tech so far is big in the BUS Industry, but that isn't perfect because buses do not have the elevctric range to do a complete SHIFT without in the winter turning the buses heating off? Electric has failed in the past and it IS set to fail bigtime this time arouind with no alternative to fall back on at all? It's gonna be very interesting when this time in 7 years in the UK comes. I'm gonna relish in the fool hardiness and stuptidiuty od government
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Electric cars are for women and faggots!
"Ping, Ping, Ping," - Ice Pick through the screen.
I like basic, and manual - not mysterious hieroglyphs and noises...
I think if you had solar cells on the car AND a car port or roof with solar panels, and your trips were short, 200 or 300 + K's per week based upon free power..... It's a goer.
Powered by the Sun
456 half cells seamlessly integrated into the body of the car can add 112 km, on average (up to 245 km) per week, of driving range to the car's battery, through the power of the sun. This creates full self-sufficiency on short distances.
This is some good comedy. Half an hour to refuel the car 30%. Lol. So I must organize my day around my car? Lol