
I Made Kay Vess Look Beautiful in STAR WARS OUTLAWS - AAA Western Gaming

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Опубликован в 18 Aug 2024 / В азартные игры

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Toki 7 месяцы тому назад

The AI art is getting good she's hot. Best part is revives some dead characters no one is making art for anymore. Then it's just a normal centerfold like this AI redo of this character. No weird stuff like horse dick ripping them apart or dogs fucking Cammy White. With AI it's simply a hot Cammy frontal centerfold or back angle booty centerfold.
The funny part is how the normal artists are crying about AI. Sorry but I don't want to see Princess Peach getting dicked by animals or blacks in half of the r34 entries. Also the digital artists have been using AI to create the art since the beginning have they not? The earliest programs for digital art are AI after all. You don't like AI art? Then do it in real life with a canvas. Something worth paying for as a real product shipped to customers.
Anyways that sort of looks like Mass Effect character but way better. The one who wears the white Zero Suit. Maranda I think.
All wokeness aside all I need to see is the pricing model to avoid any newer non-indie game. Ugly characters can be fixed like I did in Fallout 3.
You buy this new SW game you don't even get a disc. You get an online code to limited access until the DRM doesn't want to support it anymore. Then they steal your purchase you never owned. Pirate everything that uses DRM. Pirate all digital music, film, TV, and games. They have no real life value. It's just computer code. Not a real resource worth money because it can be copied for free for infinity. You can't do that with a plastic CD disc and CD player.

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Toki 7 месяцы тому назад

The real actress they based this on is not hot. She's fat.
Also the stupid Pikachu thing monster pet. Trying so hard to be a Pokemon. But that thing is ugly as F.

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Toki 7 месяцы тому назад

Is this guy wearing black face? I don't remember him being that dark but it fits the video topic. I'm shocked more people aren't just walking around in black face like how so many men are trying to be women for the Golden Ticket.

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sbseed 8 месяцы тому назад

the guy sounds like a complete faggot...
bellfast = terrorist central

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KEEPER 7 месяцы тому назад

well you do understand he's making fun of how these idiots talk right? i hear much of the same from Itsaundam

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KEEPER 7 месяцы тому назад

@KEEPER: for some dumbass reason this kept posting over and over, i couldn't stop it lol.

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sbseed 7 месяцы тому назад

@KEEPER: yea i was wondering why i suddenly had 40-50 some odd replies lol

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KEEPER 7 месяцы тому назад

@sbseed: yeah, i had to delete them all and the only way to stop them from posting was to close the stupid page lol.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 8 месяцы тому назад

Yeah the WOKE - ultra UGLY chick meme certainly has a lot going for it doesn't it.
Nothing like destroying a perfectly good game, and company...
DEI = Shit in the Sky.

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KEEPER 8 месяцы тому назад

i have no problem advocating the destruction of the gaming companies who double down on the DEI shit, as far as i can say, they deserve to go bankrupt on this idea, and i will cheer them on that path because at the end of the day, they can always sell their IP to someone else who hopefully isn't dumb as fuck like they are and will actually strive to stay away from that shit, but on the other hand if the new company does the same shit, they can go out the same way and i will once again cheer it into bankruptcy.

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KEEPER 8 месяцы тому назад

for Ubisoft, it's not just the woke stuff that bothers me, their own CEO came out threatening that gamers should get comfortable with not owning their games and a little while later they took a game people payed full price for off of steam, so i have no trust for the company anymore because i see the writing on the wall of what they will do, it doesn't matter if you payed in full for that product or if you got it on a massive sale, they will take it away whenever they damn well please and that to me at least makes me not want to support them ever again as a company, because i know if that kind of thing becomes the norm, that other companies will attempt to do the same, so i must push against it, they have given me no choice but to boycott them enterally.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 8 месяцы тому назад

@KEEPER: Yeah stiffing the customers... Renegging on the bought and paid for and forcing them into compliance for online gaming only... = Super Bright Idea = Super Bad Outcome.

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