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I Married A Trailer Trash Single Mother - MGTOW

Published on 14 May 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Shane and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I really dig your channel. I discovered it about 4 years ago while I was going through a divorce. It's an interesting story actually. I made a huge mistake and didn't realize how stupid I was until after it happened. About 5 years ago, I met a girl, we started living together after about a month. When I met her, she was a single mom with one child living in a Caravan Park. I felt sorry for her and agreed for her to move into my apartment. After a few months she fell pregnant. Thinking I was doing the right thing I proposed to her and we were married before my son was born in April, 2015. Leading up to the marriage things were going bad, but I pushed through and married her anyway. I did love her, but I was also worried about losing access to my kid. I felt like she was playing mind games with me the whole time, she would tell me one thing and others something else and would literally make me feel like I was going crazy. She is a great liar and to this day, people believe what she says over anything I say happened. After about a month (yes, a month) she decided she wanted a divorce. I secretly wanted one as well, but I really love my son so he fought to keep us together. Anyway, long story short, she ended up taking off with my son, moving about 2 hours away. I found out later that she had also done this to the father of her first child. This is where it gets interesting. I took her to court to get access to my son. During court she offered me 1 hour with my son every second weekend. That broke my heart. During the court process she was ordered to move my son back to the city I was living in. And she had to travel 2 hours every second day in the meantime so I could see my son for 3 hours. Little did I know at the time, she was already shacking up with a new guy and had fallen pregnant again. Her travelling to the city I was living in lasted about a month until one day out of the blue she asked me if I wanted to have my son live with me because her other 4 year old son was being violent towards our son (which, yes, sounds like bs to me too). Naturally I agreed. I did at this stage have suspicion that she was seeing someone new and said to her words to the effect of "If I find out, you are giving up our son for a guy you just met, I will be really upset". Her response to that was "What's wrong with that?", needless to say, I was shocked at this response. I decided at this point that I would give her one month to change her mind. If he was still with me, I would fight tooth and nail to ensure that he stayed with me. Anyway, he lived with me for about 8 months after that, until one day when she was supposed to return him after her weekend visit. This particular weekend she decided not to return him. She had also not moved back to the city I was living in. That week I made an application to the family court to have him returned to me, to my surprise, the matter was listed and heard within 3 days of me submitting the application (usually takes about 3 months). My son was returned to me the day after the court hearing. I realised at that stage that he was living with me long enough for me to be seen as his primary carer, and all the laws that have been put in place to benefit women had made a switch and were now benefiting me. I made an application to the court for final orders and at the time her ex made an application for access to his son. This made her case even worse as I was able to establish a pattern and it ultimately went in my favour. What struck me out of all of this was just how easily she gave up our son in the beginning for the sake of being with a new guy.

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LongRedRoad 5 years ago

this story has more red flags than a military parade in China

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

AND you thought you had it bad ........

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RoboCat 5 years ago

Goddamn , that guy did absolutely positively everything wrong. This is why I used to try to warn other men not to get married, but I stopped because in my experience, they won't listen.... it still hurts to know that so many are marching right off of that cliff thinkig they're doing 'the right thing'.

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