I Need a Holiday
Published on 05 Jun 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Don't we all
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Shit show, this clown world society will see its safety net evaporate. We will witness it’s demise sooner or later, nothing will stop it not even the feminist’s whimpers.
Almost 75% os USA spending is on welfare programs.
i recently listened to people about 70 yoa,, complaining that young people do not want to work.. well the only reason I am there is because they paid what I wanted per hour.. First time in 20 years I have been able to find a living wage at the bottom of the living wage scale imo,, 30 and up ,, for a man.. They and their 4 million dollar housES they want other people to do the work for ,, have got to pay now.. So I start there at 30 an hour.. I am like finally , can breathe a little,, some 65yo idiot comes up a week later and asks for 20 an hour.. He is not as skilled or tooled as I am.. He wanted to work there for some reason there is so much work right now it is not funny and it is because the rich people have ALL the money now, they have enough money ,, and plan on others mortgaging their futures to make them even richer.. It has been a runaway problem, ,the wealth of the few at the cost of the many plus immigration even.... I am glad young people will not work./. even the immigrant ones.. so they can watch their predecessors just die and go straight to hell and leave all their selfish wants to be used up by others.. they had theirs.. they had been grannted more and more by the ptb and now they die.. leaving a mishmash fcuked up shithole civilization to have to re sort itself somehow.. I am able to get mine again now, for awhile ,, since bush the lesser fouled the environment with open borders and subsidy against the workers.. Hopefully his future will be shortlived.. pos that he is..
My life is great, it is run for and by a Healthy White Male that is top of his pile, as long as I (sorry HE) stay's that way!
At least my Family Member isn't disabled other than not wanting to enter Femon's anymore that is!