I Need To Tell You Guys Something
Published on 11 Mar 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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They want any combination of your money, energy, attention and time, also known as your M.E.A.T. - and if you're too direct about not being interested in providing any of it, they will try to make away with your life. I tend to keep my head on a swivel around feral femons, they're not above sucker striking strangers when they think they can get away with it.
Give them a side berth, and keep a hand on your mayce spray and other wild animal repellant accoutrements.
Acolytes of Lilith, body graffiti, face jewelry, a defacement of the feminine and affront to men, the woman without restraint glorifies hatred of men and murder of the unborn. Reality literally and figuratively is a bitch. Cheers, ghost the insanity.
It would appear by the behavior of many, these days, that the "Utopian/Dystopian" research performed by John Calhoun, in the 1950s is coming to fruition...