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testimonies :D - RedKnight

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I once was ADDICTED to pornography but god delivered me!

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Published on 09 Feb 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 11 months ago

Weird. God just doesn't want you to desire your neighbor's wife. As well as being intelligent = celibate. OK so in many cases this applies to all kinds of women online and offline. They are whores, not wives. God doesn't give a damn about whore demons. Satan created the female of species after all. That's why a man should choose angels in the form of waifus. They are not another man's wife. They can be all of our wives and it doesn't matter.
Does God want us to stop urinating and defecating as well? I'm going to Hell because I'm breating oxygen I guess lol. I'm already in Hell and it's called life on Earth with humans. How about we just kill ourselves for being imperfect beings cursed by biological urges that this apparent God created for us? He's the asshole here for cursing us with this sex drive part of life. It causes wars, depression, crime, abortions, Greed, Lust, etc.
Just stop fapping to real women. That's the important part. No views, no money, no attention for demons. If you want the demon aesthetic we got plenty of delightful waifu succubi and such. But they are still good on the inside. Unlike real women.
Also thanks to my father being a weak simp now I'm here on this planet. I wish he would have just stayed single and fapped alone. He went no fap when he met a woman and now I'm forced to fund their retirement and my sister's welfare household. How fun. The father of my nephew's went no fap. Ended up in family court, homeless, and killed himself. Lost my best friend because he went no fap after meeting a possessive fat chick who broke off our brotherhood friendship due to jealousy. Then she killed herself due to self-imposed depression from "lockdowns" of the common cold like an idiot. Now my friend is stuck with 5 kids to raise on him in this economy. Sure worked out well huh? He could of just stayed fapping and still have some freedom. Now his children have this future ahead of clown world economic depression. This is the true benefit of no fap = No sex. Fapping fine. Avoiding sexual contact is the true goal here.
So if you don't fap then what? Surely you make idiotic decisions and pay for hookers then correct? Or do you cut your testicles off to solve the problem?
Remember Jesus was celibate. I bet he fapped though. I mean come on dude. I'm sure he had to use the bathroom to expel bodily waste as well. So what? The important part is he was smart enough to avoid women. Something he doesn't get enough credit or mention for. Usually celibate men are exiled and called icky creeps. But Jesus remained pure because he avoided women.

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RedKnight 12 months ago

this isnt me XD

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