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i support the gaming Metoo Movement MGTOW

Published on 29 Jun 2020 / In Gaming

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

I completely agree with you, I watched the elites destroy everything from star wars to terminator and then single handily destroy the gaming industry. The gaming industry is so bad right now people are asking for old games to be remastered because most news games are dog shit or just a reskin of the previous engine and gameplay.

Then it started going female heavy. I think when i was younger the female gaming community was like only 3%.

In a nut shell. The people who make money go to investors. We are watching what you do with this money. you better support our beliefs. You dont you get no money. The zionist jews control the economy therefore control and dictate the narrative.

For when ever reason they have want people angry and scared for the last 2 years. systematically destroying nostalgia and subverting culture. On every level of life. Gaming was one of the last things to get effected, because of the massive male market. Now they warmed everyone up enough all you have to look at is the last of us part 2

They literally subverted the entire story and destroyed the crowd pulling character in favour of a baphomet dude looking women no one likes.

there loosing money for agenda on purpose. They get payed regardless. Also have you seen the type of people the creating in Hollywood? ie rian johnson. He actually gets kicks and thrills at making people upset lol. Thats what he likes. There breedng em like rabbits in all entertainment industries.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

let the burn so we can rebuild it as it was in the 1900s and to 2000s. And we we build the new industry we will not allow leftist to infiltrate

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KEEPER 4 years ago

so if i understand correctly. you support metoo when it comes to men getting redpilled by being falsely accused?

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KEEPER 4 years ago

by the way, your hard to understand. sluring your words never helps especially if you have an accent.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

If i am correct, he is using the same set up as me. Not ideal. If i am right its a basic walkas you go wired earphones for a mobile phone. Along with his accent. Hr has a slight l;isp on his s's. If you listen to me. I have a lisp on my R's. Unfortunately the s's are more noticeable. At least with this type of content you know who stays and takes the time ;)

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

Pretty much If men become metoo more they will learn. Angry joe was supporting the feminist agenda since 2013. And many game company have bend the knee for feminism . it was matter of time metoo will effect the gaming industry.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

i don't support Metoo as but i do support people that push for diversity to be cancelled since they don't care about the main fan base you can see this is the star wars and battlefield 5. i won't betray my loyal fan base becasue of diversity and equality

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Inslayerclone: so in other words, you support going mgtow the hard way...

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: perhaps if you not red pill or mgtow in 2020s i support the mob taken you out since you are still in the blue pill Matrix. look at angry joe he was call people that vote for trump supporters uneducated and support the feminists cause and now he been metoo

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Inslayerclone: how am i still in blue pill matrix? i've been going my own way for roughly 10 years. also idk who angry joe is, so i will look him up and do some research.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Inslayerclone: oh, lol nevermind. i know exactly who he is. he's that gamer dude that is always angry over stupid shit in video games, and constantly jumps onto the bandwagon of social justice lol, i guess i see your point angry joe needed the push to be metooed.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: he supported anita sarkeesian. We as men in society in the current year are under attack look at every single video of the take trope series they are always putting down men in the female breakdowns. the worst offender is the Riverdale’s Betty and the Death of the Nice Girl. they pretty much say nice guy is bad nice girl is good

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