[Up Vote] I never got married. My fiancee couldn't wait to cheat me after I gave her an engagement ring. I wanted it, I put a ring on it, and 6 months later it was too late to get full value back. So I kept as a reminder...
I keep my "Decree NICE", little pun there, very handy, it's in a picture frame on my walk to remind me NOT to do it again! lol! and I have instant access just in case I have to fill out a form!
Any FEMON not prepared to pay for me? I just do what THEY do, find the nearest MEN's Room and climb out the window. Not that I ever want to be taken out by a femon, her idea of Taking you OUT is with a HITMAN, after all they can afford that can't they? lol! Femon's have NEVER paid their way in life it's always been a MAN thing, but the system has turned on it's head now. If they want to take me out - THEY PAY. If they want sex with me - THEY PAY! Fuck me I'm sounding Delusional now, must be the Gynocentrism getting to me>? lol!
Does a Hubby get a government pay out or pension if the wife die's? Does he FUCK! Probably has to use HIS money to bury the CUNT! lol! But women always live longer thyan guy's so that is probably in the odd case the hubby will get FUCK ALL. I was once married way bacl in the 80's before the family Court system. NEVER paid a PENNY to the CUNT Bitck! lol!
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[Up Vote]
I never got married. My fiancee couldn't wait to cheat me after I gave her an engagement ring.
I wanted it, I put a ring on it, and 6 months later it was too late to get full value back.
So I kept as a reminder...
I keep my "Decree NICE", little pun there, very handy, it's in a picture frame on my walk to remind me NOT to do it again! lol! and I have instant access just in case I have to fill out a form!
There's always been a "Widow's Pension" but NEVER a "Widower's" pension for the MEN.
Any FEMON not prepared to pay for me? I just do what THEY do, find the nearest MEN's Room and climb out the window. Not that I ever want to be taken out by a femon, her idea of Taking you OUT is with a HITMAN, after all they can afford that can't they? lol! Femon's have NEVER paid their way in life it's always been a MAN thing, but the system has turned on it's head now. If they want to take me out - THEY PAY. If they want sex with me - THEY PAY! Fuck me I'm sounding Delusional now, must be the Gynocentrism getting to me>? lol!
Does a Hubby get a government pay out or pension if the wife die's? Does he FUCK! Probably has to use HIS money to bury the CUNT! lol! But women always live longer thyan guy's so that is probably in the odd case the hubby will get FUCK ALL. I was once married way bacl in the 80's before the family Court system. NEVER paid a PENNY to the CUNT Bitck! lol!