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I thought she was entirely mine!

Published on 14 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣My MGTOW and RedPill Brothers: I thought she was entirely mine!

Also, view entire vid and subscribe @ https://www.mgtow.tv/%40TheMas....terofBluePillDisaste

#platonicfriend #ex #fiance #goingondates #MauriceLovellWilson #TheMasterofBluePillDisaster #Incel #IBMOR #MGTOW #RedPill #SYSBM




Guys, I was homeless believing that she loved me; Here's the proof:


DON'T let it happen to you!

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The T-shirts I wear are $25/$32. Check more of the racy attire out at https://racyshirtsbymaurice.wordpress.com./

P.S. Last but not least: check out the first chapter of my upcoming book, A Juicy Tale @ https://ajuicytale.wordpress.com/./ If you dig the first chapter, buy my other three ebooks, It's All Good, Juicy, and Juicy: The Caged-in Animal for $25. I can be reached by clicking on the icons at the top of the website.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

I say stick with younger women and treat them like a toy.. have fun with them and then put them away.... no cohabitation, no marriage and no children.. You let them live with you and they can disrespect you.. my gf of 13 years own a house together, . she went to ohio to see her 87yo mother and sisters for Thanksgiving.. wonderful have a good time.. calls several days after Thanksgiving tells me she is in New York with a friend. and is not coming back to Florida to live anymore.. One month later she comes back and stays for a year. then leaves again for good.. I find out she was with her high school boyfriend she had a baby with put up for adoption when she was 16 or 17.. Her 2 kids live down here and they did not know.. in fact they knew about the guy before I did but they thought he was the older boys real father.. so at that point.. me talking to the girls husband.. my stepdaughter basically her husband.. he tells me this about the older boys real father and my gf.. I laughed and said oh, that is not his father.. the two kids have the same father.. he looks at me.. I say oh, they have a half brother out there she had a kid in high school wkith that dude Howie.. so the bitch was lying to me and her own kids.. while she runs around irresponsibly just like they did in hs.. fcuk all that.,. WHATEVER.. fcuk them. so the dude inherited his mom's house and my ex gf inherited her mom's house.. about 5 miles away from ewach other.. but that dude married another woman for 3 years.. again.. fcuk all that.. crazy people out there.. I had a good life with my little stupid gf before all that happened..

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I don't care about any of these broads: MGTOW for life

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