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I Tried To Warn You - Elon Musk LAST WARNING (2021)

Published on 24 Aug 2021 / In Film & Animation

As Government, especially in the UK try to force TECH on the population without inferstructure for ALL, they will find it will be their undoing (HOPEFULLY). Personally I don't have, want or even NEED a Smartphone, and I have no plan's to get one either yet I'm alive and have a brain of my own rather than a "Black Mirror" to live for me. Neither do I watch TV, want or have a vehicle full of TECH, and this very PC is out of a Dumpster and I used MY BRAIN to safely bring and restrict it back to life. I'm not really an Elon Musk Fan, but this impressed meor Impressed ON me about TECH!

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Pu4__ 3 years ago

Ahaha! Dude, you're a bit too late, aren't you? AI systems are designed to become a tools for a tyranny. Look at China with their social credit score and all-seeing Big Brother. Every government and corporation on this planet is salivating at a mere thought of such power, you cant drive this genie back into a bottle. At least not peacefully, and from what I see normies can't even come close to comprehension of the dystopian future we're heading to.

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bousso 3 years ago

ELON is just a puppet, is the slowest genious I know of .... and Nicola Tesla by the way is fake as fuck , just count the number of inventions , is not possible.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

claims to tell others to slow down ai, makes a rudimentary invention called neuralink and continues to fund advancing research in the arena of literally creating cyborgs/ai.

I really don't think elon musk is qualified with the academic rigor to make a good call on this. It would be better to listen to the actual trained experts in the field, some of the people who work for elon musk, and the scientists and engineers developing quantum computing would have a more valuable opinion than him, there are far more fascinating things happening in the computer world right now that are far more important then anything elon has his hands in currently. Elon Musk has turned out to be a bit of a cult of personality who doesn't live up to what he claims. The younger millennials and gen-z kinda look at this guy like a tech god, they almost worship him to the point that he can do no wrong. His stocks are vastly overvalued and have been largely government funded in a lot of cases and a lot of the things he is promising are pure science fiction and will not happen. Mark my words this guy is not going to be sending anyone to mars in a permanent fashion without killing them. I would go further to say that it is unlikely he will even be able to put people on mars for even a short period of time like what we did on the moon mission. Even NASA said it is impractical to do what elon is claiming. its all nonsense. see this link for a basic primer if you want to bring your head down to earth:

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Money talks and he has money?

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: there is no way to terraform mars. not in a century nor in 10000 years. does not matter if water is there or not. please review the actual scientific limitations behind what you are claiming. the algae species you speak of would die rather quickly when released from the ship unprotected, doesn't matter if there is water, there is no way to actually keep the water in a liquid state even if it is there unless you put it in some type of shelter or underground in a sealed shelter with artificial light and heat which you have no energy for. The lithium peroxide is a novel concept that nasa did successfully demonstrate on a small scale, however, oxygen is just a small hurdle, it will not help with the fact that mars has almost no atmosphere and the planet is constantly losing mass into space, there is no magnetosphere so everything gets battered by radiation, and there is no atmospheric pressure so without a space suit any living thing containing liquid will perish because the pressure is so low the water will boil off (including your blood, algae, plants, etc). Detonating a nuke on mars would not even result in an explosion, an atmosphere is needed to have that effect, it literally would do almost nothing, even if you send the entire nuclear arsenal on earth there. Not to sound depressing or black pilled, but colonizing mars is a pipe dream, it is a dead planet. Earth is very special it has a molten core and a magnetosphere to block deadly radiation, mars does not. People don't realize how much of a miracle the earth is, the odds of everything lining up the way it did is extremely improbable. Please stop believing this sci-fi bs. elon and his stocks are gonna fall like a rock one day when the secular people stop seeking their own "secular miracle", it is all bs. It is important to see doctor Currier's article especially the part about biosphere 2. they couldn't even accomplish on earth what elon wants to do on mars. Sure we could try to establish an artificial abogenesis on mars but it would require us somehow having a full understanding of genetics and then seeing if it were even possible to genetically design a biological organism that could flourish on mars, but consider: Shouldn't life have occurred on its own on mars by now if it were possible? I mean I don't agree with it, but essentially, that is exactly what scientists think, that life just randomly materialized on earth by chance even though they cannot even replicate this theory in a lab despite the massive amount of knowledge we have gained. Average IQ's are falling around the world, unless there is a massive breakthrough in artificial intelligence and quantum computing to augment the failing human brain horsepower, the smartest members of the human race are already behind us. We are fast approaching the limits of what we will ever be able to discover in space because as we speak, the universe is expanding in size exponentially and every second that passes planets are getting exponentially further away. There is no technology that can overcome this, not even theoretical. We have used every method of observation including gravitational waves, I can elaborate more on this if you want. The only thing left is refinement of what we already can see. The space station is very much within reach of earth, and it is protected by the earth's magnetosphere, and yet even the astronauts that spend time here suffer severe health effects. The space station is about to be abandoned as well due to lack of funding and increasing upkeep costs. NASA cannot even keep the space station functional long term and there are people who think mars will be colonized, its total science fiction, even long into the future. The exploration of mars and space should be left to robots, humans are tied to the ecosystem of earth. The only way we will ever move payloads of any scale would require a orbital launch platform and it doesn't even seem practical to do that.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I used to think like you and put my hope into space but remember even nasa said it is extraordinarily unlikely the human race will EVER explore anything beyond this immediate solar system, this is because the distances are just too vast. You can almost fit the every planet in the solar system in between the earth and moon for perspective. Space is where atheists seek their god of science and they build it up to be something it is not, they put their full faith in it and have told too many lies along the way. All of the planets in this solar system suck compared to earth. The rocket tech we use is 1960's russian tech. It's kinda funny what you are saying about towing the space station to the moon man, I'm sorry, it's not even remotely possible. People and space do not go together. It is cool and a proud accomplishment to have put people in space and land on the moon, but you have to let go of this notion of humans traveling in space, it's not realistic. The only practical solution is to use robots unless humans learn how to become cyborgs and even then space will slowly destroy you as a cyborg too. What moon operations do you mean? We dont have the capability really to economically bring back any valuable payload that would overcome the mission cost and it is unlikely that will change in the future either without a massive earth shattering scientific breakthrough.

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Sir_666 3 years ago

I appreciate Mrghoster for the Effort and posting the Video.

However, I'm unimpressed by this guy, Elon Musk here in this Video. I've listened to better and Intelligent people on the Inevitable Evolution of Technology and it's potential future outcomes that were far more Balanced and Reasonable. Moreover his definition of a Cyborg is blatant Nonsense.

A Cybernetic Organism or "Cyborg". In "Information Technology" it's defined as an Organism with both Biological and Technological components Combined / Integrated. Thus, a "Cyborg" is NOT defined as a Human that just uses Technological devices .i.e. PC, Smartphones ... etc, but Biologically unplugged from them as Elon Musk describes. LMFAO, what a genius Wannabe Twat.

Moreover, all this Elon Musk is doing is making his Personal Speculations of one " (( possible )) future outcome " of how Technology may be used for Nefarious purposes in the Wrong hands. And that's one possible Future that could unfold if certain variables fall into place. On the other hand it may not.

Furthermore, it does Not mean that's the only possible Future outcome with Advancing Technology. And advancing Technologies may not be the biggest threat to Humanity. Instead it could be other things .i.e. Manufactured shortage of Food & Water, Biological chemical warfare , ...etc; or it may be a Combination of those things & others.

Lastly, the Evolution of Advancing Technologies is and has always been Inescapable and nearly Impossible to Halt nor is there any Incentive or good Evidence to slow it down that Elon Musk has presented. All he comes off as is a Drama Queen that sensationalizes an Opinion of one of many possible future Outcomes.

Albeit, In contrast, there are Far more obvious Good reasons to continue Technological advancement than not .i.e. More Advanced Automated Medical care & easy Access for Everyone, Free Education, Communication & Information Access Everywhere on the planet, Access to Free Shelter & Food for Everyone, Faster Travel to Anywhere on the planet and lot more. And all that will potentially Emerge the more Technology evolves towards 100% Automation Inevitably. That is just the Evolution of things.

Thus, the Money system ( Capitalism ...etc ) will eventually & gradually cease to Exist nor be Required once a 100% Automation is achieved, technology will mostly be Self regulating with little need of Human Intervention. Thus, All Manufacturing and Services on the planet would be Set up to provide the needs & wants of Humanity and its Societies. Hence no need for Money & Jobs because of course Technology will be Superior to human performance. Not to mention, since Money would not be required, Most Crimes would no longer happen since there would be NO Money Incentive.

But this is all Nothing to fear , ( as Elon Musk dramatically Attempts to scare people into believing ), if guided and implemented by the Right hands for the Betterment of Quality of life for all Humanity.

BTW, perhaps someone should Alert Elon Musk that Technology has been Slowly replacing people's Jobs of for quite a long time. It's not Newas he Alludes to present. Examples of this are Robotics in the Automotive Industry, ATM machines, Answering machines / Voicemail, Vending Machines, Elevators, ...etc. This is just the Evolution of Technological Unemployment advancing that was known years ago by many people that it would & will lead to the Eventual 100% Automation of all Human jobs Eliminated & done by Superior Technology. Again, this is unavoidable but not really a bad thing by any means if Handled right.

In closing this rant of mine, I believe Elon Musk has been Excessively re-watching a lot of Terminator movies that left him with a One-Dimensional way of perceiving our only Future as Skynet. I dunno.

Nevertheless, We have enough Fear-mongers in Clown world , the Position is all filled & we've NO room for more. Elon Musk, get in the Kitchen, Shut Up and make US a Damn Sandwich ! And Do something Really productive, for God Sakes. Thanks for reading.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

First thanks for the compliment. Like you though, I don't really like the Guy. He is creepy? This is what having money does to people, the start to play God. even his car company is a lie in a way and it's bigged up by naming it after one of the greatest mind's that the system destroyed? Well the Banks and oil companies did anyway? i think he was partly right insaying we are all partly machines now? just look at the dick's with their face in a smartphone. they walk out in the road without looking, they drive whilst using the bloody things and cause many accident's. The one that really pisses me off about the smartphone is the Motorcyclist, or so called? they have this great big frame on the handlebars for their little Black mirror. I ridse a bike and don't even have a Smartphone. so I can have some freedom? I've learned to avoid ANYTHING that has the word SMART before it, because you know what that means is it is or wants to make you dumber? the only phone I have is a 20 year old DUMB phone that only goes with me on long journeys for emergency use.

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Sir_666 3 years ago

Matter fact, one could say, Humanity's greatest threat is itself, potentially.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

did you see that recent press briefing he did where he had a human actor dressed up in a robot outfit come out and do these autistic dance moves to represent the robot project he was starting on? It was so cringeworthy i had to turn it off. The fact he has to use a human actor shows we are nowhere near AI being a threat. What a hypocrite. Why would he claim to be so scared of AI and simultaneously claim to be creating a robot? Why would he be still using these strange marketing tactics making outrageous claims he can't back up? The story about this man is becoming a greater fraud day by day.

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

Watch out with Israel using it. They'll fuck us all.

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