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I Used To Make $100K As A Trucker. Now I Make Minimum Wage.

Published on 24 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

Truckers used to make $110K per year on average. Now many are homeless. So what happened? We dug into it as part of our new Class Room series, which looks at how jobs that used to provide a solid, middle class life now barely provide a living.

With trucking, that story starts with deregulation. Big Box stores like Walmart were allowed to crush worker power and wages across an entire industry.

Now there's a perpetual trucker shortage as drivers get sick of low wages, long hours, and constant surveillance.

#trucking #labor #job
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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Caleb Fernandez is a chick!

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Mustang 2 years ago

Want to know why there are tons of help wanted ads for Over The Road Truck Drivers??? 100 hour work weeks. No thanks.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

I agree and i drove OTR in the past learned we had no rights and a fellow worker saved his own life and people around him driving a tanker when a woman pulled out in front of him something happened rear tank caught on fire he dragged it for 1/2 mile spewing out the gas and he got a ticket for not stopping

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

The beners come here and complain about low wage lmao.. what fucking psos.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

working in America and paying off house in mexico.. what about American drivers??

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

6 years ago old family friend said he had started driving .. loved it. had 10 grand in the bank.. then, according to grapevine his brother had started driving also.. they leased their trucks and were independent haulers.. then lastly, the place they worked for had lowered their pay and they stopped.. are driving locally.. my assessment, too many beners..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

yep globalism lowering americans standard of living so the rich people have more..

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

Look at the logger in california all new motors and the state made it he could not re license his trucks.

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sbseed 2 years ago

truckers get paid by the mile unless they signed up for some stupid agreement of getting paid per delivery, then that is their own damn fault and have to deal with the consequences for making those stupid decisions, in other words they are getting what they deserve for their own choices.

being a 'company driver' is bullshit, remember that they take part of your pay for the truckers unions in most of those jobs, if you are an owner-operator you can choose your own hours and who you work with, if you have signed up with a dispatcher that is your own damn fault that they are ripping you off...

owner-operators can and do make enough to be able to have repairs done and make good money, the only way they would not be able to make money is if they are allowing themselves to be cheated or their jobs are being given to unqualified illegals (which does happen)...

having a centralized and unionized drivers is just asking for total financial collapse of commerce.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

Up here east indians all rid in 1 truck same with owning a 2 mill dollar house whole family contributes but they run their own school for CDLS. I was even told they have their own insurance company. All in house. Being union i learned means not a lot you pay so the guy who is retired is able to collect his pension.

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