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I Will Never Settle! (Still Waiting On Prince Charming At 60)

Published on 25 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation
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sauger1001 6 days ago

5:34. A degree is the LAST thing this broad needs. She's just a lost cause... after one night.

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sauger1001 6 days ago

1:00. You're wasting your breath, bro. Even at 50yrs old plus:
"They're children with breasts."

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Heavyhand 6 days ago

By the way.

The rating of that woman is a flat out 10 in my book.

Could not be lovelier.

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If you look at the CHARACTER in all of their faces, in the starter image especially - these are NASTY OLD WOMEN......

Selfish, Self Centered, and Terminal Dead Shits in the extreme.

Sta away from them.

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Blondo - 38 seconds in, 61 soon, a narcisstic sex addict and an all round shallow selfish cunt.

"I am addicted to dick! - I am addicted to dick!"

She is nothing but problems and fucking disasters.....

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