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I Work At AREA 51 They Sent ME Into A STAR GATE I Braught Something Sci fi Creepypasta

Published on 08 Feb 2025 / In Entertainment

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Sci-Fi stories are good....

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Poor bastard: I hoped they'd find a cure he would mention. Though, I wonder how many former humans did he see infected with the crystal virus thing? And it's here? Is this a part of the Armageddon battle we saw prophetized?! The undead, ie zombies? Crystalline zombies?!

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The undead, ie zombies? Crystalline zombies?! --- More like Gay Crystaline Zombies - in shiny metallic sequin skins.....

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You could actually form "The Beauty Battalion" and be the leading lights of the New JEW-SA War Machine. Just saying

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FUCK yeah he should have never left retirement, its always a John, John Mercer, John Matrix John Connor, John Spartan and so on, they always say "YOUR THE ONLY ONE WITH THE EXPERIENCE FOR THE JOB NOBODY ELSE" till you find out the hard way they always lie and used up all they could before using you. Funny how they knew about a serum when theh had no idea and have not seen this before, he woukd have been better 100% healthy and bored than 100% FUBAR and needing "TREATMENTS" he shoukd have never agreed in the First place they always need your CONSENT and once you get Fucked up they dont bother with Damaged Goods and feed you lies to keep you comfortable. Fucking Sucks Dude shoukd have gone with his Gut and never got involved even if he needed money and he shoukd have gotten the Fuck outta dodge once he knew something was wrong in his gut he only has himself to blame. Fucking gotta Suck you have to hold onto your identity with every breath that we take for granted when your body wants to give in and change and consume you, Fuck to think something can infect you and make you think or feel that you were Never MGTOW OR REDPILL it takes those Memories away sounds like Alzhiemers or Dementia both Fucking Brutal ehay this guy Suffering from sounds like that on steroids Fuck that a terrible esybto meet the bitter end and not a way to go. \G/

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