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I would never part 2 The Point

Published on 12 Feb 2022 / In Film & Animation

A coffee,chronic and hash fueled rant
Yeah I was a little repetitive in part 1
Because it feels repetitive when people keep giving excuses why they continue to do nothing.
People have a thousand reasons for not doing something,and some moral excuse for every time anyone tries to get them off their ass to protect their freedom
What's your excuse?
What's your stupid moral reason for not fighting back against your enemies,for not fighting for your own freedom,your own survival?
Whatever it is,however good and pure it makes you feel....cut it out of your heart!
If you keep clinging to this,desire to percieve yourself as always good moral or doing "the right thing" than you are wrong and you have already lost the fight because you've allowed your enemy to convince you not to fight at all

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

(Round two I guess. Some of my posts are like not posting?) Damn bro, I thought you were smart. Yes. Yes they do. The "They" are the Globalists-- the Satanists and wannabe Demon Lords deluding themselves as "gods." That means over 99.999% of the world's population now to be dead by 2030. Wake up and have some coffee. Welcome to the party pal.

As a demon, you are well aware that humanity has to choose it, be it the vaccine or die in a insurrection or defending their home. This is divine law. The Satanists do not care how we die only that we die. If we form militias and kill their political puppets, well we end up saving them money from bribing said puppets. and the ensuing chaos will kill much more. Guess you are not a good demon.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

Are you holding me to some "divine law" standard? because that's not a standard which applies to me. And there's more options than the ones you've listed,I propose some of these other solutions in my videos,especially "the great compromise". And I am well aware of the people who control these puppets the real global masters of world politics. But you can't just quickly cut off the head of the snake and avoid war. They've corrupted the hearts and minds of most of the worlds people,and thus they also have to be dealt with. I tell people NOT to fight the american military and police that an insurrection is stupid and I explain exactly why. Screw insurrection,screw fighting for our "home" because America is the soviet union right now. They'll be the most powerful force on earth slaughtering all opposition....until they collapse and then it's free real estate. Meanwhile there's fallen nations who are running out of bullets to the south of us filled with cartels holding billions and many acres of land as well. Ripe fruit for the taking as far as I'm concerned. Also they're enemies that can be more easily defeated. And once I have millions and millions of dollars of pillaged cartel money I'll start using it to pay for travel expenses to bring as many of my people to me as possible.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

Not only am I a VERY VERY good demon,I'm probably the only chance this world has. And do you really believe that most demons will benefit somehow when most of humanity dies? because it's quite the opposite actually. Only a select few on both sides have anything to gain from all of this. But as a Christian you probably don't see me as being part of a greater natural cycle,instead you only see me how your bible describes me. Also you are disparaging people for forming militia's and other armed groups together to fight back....so what's your alternative? Is it get on your knees and wait for Yahweh to save you? Is it to just mindlessly pleasure your flesh however possible until you blow your brains out? Do you have any other solution to them coming to kill you all that doesn't involve shooting them with bullets?

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: If you truly want to help humanity, then I am all for it. Yes. I grew up Christian, but I think the God of Israel has other plans for me. I am not sure Yahweh is his name: It might be another distractor. I had cross-overed with near death experiences ( NDEs). I have notice Asian anime and movies talking about demons in positive light, but not sure if that was propaganda. I do believe there is a battle amongst demons to take over the earth and perhaps even to challenge Satan/Lucifer. I know most Christian sects have been infiltrated by the demonic and damned. There is one Revelation and a multitude of "Religions" or rather just cults. I find myself believing in dragons more than these cults. Perhaps, some of these dragons were like fiery earthly angels, but that might be a pipedream on my account. I know man-eating giants still live and I believe we have found the evidence for Atlantis, the Exodus, the Garden of Eden, and not only an imagee of the Ark of the Covenant, but also where part of it still exists, though changed over the millenias. If you can formeddddd likkkkke minded communities much bigger or rather larger than Waco, then be prepared to defend yourself. If you are in miitias too small, the government will just kill you or lock you up for free slave labor. We see this Pelosi's 6th Jan "riots" even though they actually were peaceful protestors unlike the "pieceful""" protest rioters of Soros' SS AntiFA and BLM.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

What are your thoughts on WW2 NAZI Jew traitor George Soros and pedophile "wizard" Alister Crowley? Let's challenge how much you know about our current predicament.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: If you are expecting me to defend them,you are making false correlations. I hold no loyalty to any of these mother fuckers. And I'm not writing you an essay on George Sauron or the prevalence of pedophilia within the Satanists,Priests also molest children ya know that's not just a satanic practice.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: And I'm refusing to write you an essay on things which you know I know because I have projects to build I have a life. I'm trying to reply to everyone and get the hell off the internet as quickly as possible I can't spend all day online I have real life things I'm building okay I don't have time to write you a documentary on WW2

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: It's up to you whether you can find the strength to turn away from god,and decide for yourself what you want to believe in. These issues are not just black and white binary's of good or evil,there's a whole world out there in front of you just waiting for you to open your eyes and see it

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Fair enough. I do have a life mostly working though off line. Sorry, I am a writer. Words come easily to me usually. With our retarded educational system, which I like to mock as edumication and hooked on Fonix werked for me, I have to assume most people are not on my educational level or wavelength. If you are putting plans in motion then good for you, The problem is there is a lot of misdirection out there and idiots who think themselves as geniuses... and those God damned Bible quoters who do not even comprehend the shit they are quoting, I think they tell themselves the Bible was written in English (originally) for them. Good luck on your endeavors: I do hope you get to conquer these Satanists. ; - )

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

It was not my intent for that post to be that long:; I was just completing my thought. Sorry.

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