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Published on 27 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

Most Comedians are not funny.
They are brilliant observers and educators.
-The Life and Times of Shane T. Hanson

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KEEPER 6 months ago

you got to love in the end UPGRAAYED also traveled through time via another Pod lol to find his hoe.

what i find so dumb about that is that he didn't need to get into the pod to find her, because it suggests the pod is an actual time machine, because he could have very well found her pod in the past and prevented her from using it or taken her out in the first place, but he did the dumb thing and used the pod for himself lol.

i understand this movie isn't meant to make sense, it's a comedy after all.

it's too bad there wasn't a sequel, because now this movie is such a cult classic, not only because of the dumbing down of people in the world, but also of the story that exists from this ending with UPGRAAYED.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

we seem to be experimenting some technological difference's lol.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

so getting rid of the brando for the crops made the parent company to go out of business and auto-lay off everyone, that doesn't exactly make a whole lot of sense as they also drank brando in water fountains, like it wouldn't completely bankrupt the company is my point, hell i'm surprised watering the crops didn't cause the company to go bankrupt a long time ago given how much of a waste that was.

i suppose the presidency payed for it, maybe? tax dollars, that kind of thing..

but yeah decades of electrolyte, "salt" mixed with water would cause the crops to never grow and would also cause the dust bowel issues.

but they would have to scrape all the surface dirt away or use another location that hasn't been used to spread that Gatorade stuff in order to make the plants grow.

it's funny but this movie might have just helped the global elits understand what would be bad for growing crops, as they have traveled to various farms worldwide in order to salt the crops, but then again, that's been a known thing long before Gatorade came into existence.

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KEEPER 6 months ago

bookmark for myself, 31 minutes.

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30 billion minus 20 billion = 80 billion. Your going to be rich... (Groans)

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KEEPER 6 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: when you can trick a dumbass, why not?

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KEEPER 6 months ago

they start shooting at fritos car and he starts to cheer them on until it's destroyed lol.

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