(Idiot) Wimmins In (Australian) Politics
Published on 09 Jun 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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So, you an Aussie Shane, isn't there an island just off coast of Australia where men can abandoned these cunts and laugh at them as down under goes down under under their bitching er command.? Like Idk Fuji?
No you dumb bitch, that anger in women and Karens is men have been going their own way from your over-privileged asses ignoring you and not dating or marrying your lying asses. Pound me too cause I'm a cheating lying bitch slut... you pushed it.
Right... we need a government who puts bluetooth operateed insertable vibrators in all women and when they start karening too much or start their mansplaining shit, just turn on remotely and jack up that vibrator and then ignore the dumb bitches...
Damn, my analysis: Australia has a huge Karen infestation and idiot cunts... Maybe we can work with this... Don't Abo have blow darts that paralyze people?! Or kill them? We !need an Assassin's Greed Guild to fix these problems... I am starting to believe your petro sniffing Abos might be the cure?! "Help me Petro sniffing Abos, you're my only hope..." LOL
Damn a lot of trolls, but that Blonde Jane bitch was doable... so at least one woman here.